How to transplant it harmlessly

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The best time to dig up the buddleia

The best time to dig up the shrub depends primarily on what you plan to do with the wood afterwards. Should it go again to someone else Location are planted, it is recommended to move during the vegetation break. It is therefore best to dig up the buddleia in autumn - preferably in October or November - or in early spring, before budding. A Realize During the summer months, however, the shrub will only survive with a lot of luck, which is why you should only dig it up at this time if you want to dispose of it afterwards anyway.

also read

  • Yellow leaves on buddleia - causes and measures
  • Can you still transplant an old buddleia?
  • Always remove the buddleia along with the roots

Can an old buddleia still be dug up?

Of course you can also get one old buddleia still dig up. If you want the shrub to go to the compost anyway, you don't need to pay attention to any special features - you want it on the other hand, if you move to a new location, you should proceed with particular care and vigorously beforehand

cut back. Be aware, however, that the longer the plant has been in place, the more difficult it is to move. Younger, not yet too established specimens, on the other hand, are easier to transplant.

Digging up Buddleia - Here's how to do it

When digging up the buddleia gently, it is best to proceed as follows:

  • Cut back the buddleia by about a third.
  • Tie the shoots together.
  • Pierce the root area all around with a spade away.
  • Drive the spade deep into the ground.
  • The optimal radius is about two thirds of the original height.
  • Now take one Digging fork at hand and loosen the root ball.
  • Lift out the root ball with the plant.
  • Now you can put the buddleia in its new location plant.

Of course, there is no pruning if the shrub ends up on the compost after excavation. However, digging up a large shrub is easier if you cut off the shoots beforehand and then only need to remove the rootstock.


Even Buddleia in a pot should receive fresh substrate every two to three years at the latest and a new planter if necessary.

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