Growing reeds in the garden

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The advantages and disadvantages of reeds in the garden

The advantages The disadvantages
Reed is robust Depending on the species, the reeds need a lot of water
Reed is easy to care for The reeds are extremely rampant
Reeds grow very quickly Reed is very difficult to get remove
Reed grows very densely and is therefore suitable as a privacy screen and hedge Reeds displace other plants
Reed is hardy

Which type of reed is right for my garden?

Which type of reed you choose depends mainly on two circumstances:

  • How high should the reeds grow?
  • What is the location like?

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If the reeds serve as a privacy screen, the giant Chinese reeds are ideal, for lower hedges you should use the dwarf reeds.
If the location is swampy, you can, for example, B. to the Cattail grab, which is wonderful for the Pond planting suitable. For a drier location in the garden, the Chinese reed is more suitable. A comprehensive overview of the

Reed species and their peculiarities and heights, you will find here.

What should be considered when planting?

As already mentioned, reeds are extremely rampant. Therefore, it is strongly recommended to have one when planting Root lock to be built in. Otherwise the reeds can hardly be kept in check.
Most species prefer moist, light locations. However, some, such as the Chinese reed, do not need their feet to be permanently wet.

How high is the maintenance effort?

Reeds are easy to care for and only need a little attention shortly after planting. Care should be taken to ensure that the soil is always kept moist and that there is an adequate supply of nutrients, e.g. B. fertilizer or compost should be ensured. Once the reeds have grown, all you need to do is make sure they are adequately watered. It also makes sense to fertilize compost once a year. You can find detailed information on caring for reeds in our Care guide.

A Cut back is advisable at least once a year, especially for tall species, to keep the growth in check and to give the reeds a nice shape.