Plant, care & harvest (winter post)

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Plant profile

  • Botanical name: Montia perfoliata
  • Other names: common plate herb, Kuba spinach, winter postelein, winter purslane, Indian lettuce
  • Order: Carnation-like
  • Genus: plate herbs
  • Family: spring herbs
  • Height: 15 to 30 centimeters
  • Growth habit: basal leaf rosette
  • Main flowering time: March to May
  • Leaf color: deep green
  • Leaf shape: Fleshy, broad diamond-shaped
  • Flowers: very small, pink-white
  • Taste: Fresh, mild, slightly sour and nutty


Winterpostelein contains up to twenty milligrams of vitamin C and high amounts of minerals such as magnesium, calcium and iron. The leaves also provide valuable omega-3 fatty acids.

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The winter purslane originally comes from the Pacific region of North America. The white settlers spread the robust plant as a substitute for spinach to Cuba and from here to Europe.


Purslane is the ideal post-crop for all summer vegetables. It is sown from October onwards, because Winterpostelein only germinates at temperatures below twelve degrees.

A partially shaded to shady place, which is also slightly protected, is ideal. A is suitable in rough locations Cold frame or, if you want to cultivate the plate herb on the balcony, a mini greenhouse. The substrate must not be too rich in nutrients, as Postelein is one of the weak eaters.

Winter purslane needs a sowing depth of about one centimeter as a flowering plant. The germination time is about two weeks. Do not be surprised if the plants temporarily stop growing at temperatures below five degrees. As soon as it gets a little warmer, they start to sprout again.

Maintaining the winter post

The lettuce plant is extremely undemanding. Keep the substrate evenly moist, fertilizers are not required. Within a very short time, the plate herb covers the entire earth, so that no more weeds have to be weeded.

If you cover the ground with a layer of mulch, this is very beneficial to the aroma of the winter vegetables.


Winter purslane is harvested when the leaf stalks have reached a height of about ten centimeters. Cut the leaves off just above the ground and let the heart stand, so the plant will grow back and you can harvest again and again.

Diseases and pests

The Winterpostelein is largely resistant to diseases and pests. Only very rarely do snails feast on the leaves, in the absence of other greens.


After flowering, you should not cut the winter purslane any more, as the lettuce plant will then develop an unpleasant bitter aroma.