Katharina, author on Plantopedia

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Prunus avium, sweet cherry

The cherry is not only a popular ornamental tree, it is also an interesting option for the ambitious fruit grower to create even edible ...

Lay the irrigation hose

A hose in the garden makes it easier to water larger beds, numerous borders and of course the lawn. However ...

Black soot on a wild rose

If rose petals get black spots with a yellow halo, it is usually an infestation with star soot ...

Are you interested in growing a walnut tree from a single walnut? This project brings a lot of joy, if ...

Harvest blueberries

There are two varieties of blueberries in Germany. On the one hand, the cultivated blueberry, which is grown in gardens, and on the other hand ...

Fertilize the lawn

When winter is slowly coming to an end and spring begins, the ...

Potato rose, Rosa rugosa

With their wild origin, potato roses bring a piece of real nature into the garden. In summer, their nutritious flowers beckon ...

Thomaskali fertilizer

Most plants need a period of rest in autumn and winter in order to be able to ...

Wild shoots on roses

Roses grow in a variety of flower colors in many gardens. In white, red, pink, orange or apricot are ...

Walnut tree, juglans regia

The real walnut (Juglans regia) is often impressive in size and often stands out in the tree population. ...

Flower boxes can be quite expensive to buy, but these are relatively easy to build yourself. In addition to the ...

Rhododendron soil can be mixed with the magnolia

The somewhat bizarre-looking plants with their gnarled branches and porcelain-like flowers are now in many ...

Cucumber varieties

Fresh cucumbers are an indispensable part of a delicious salad. Many hobby gardeners enjoy their garden and greenhouse ...

Harvest nectarines

A nectarine tree is not only a popular Mediterranean plant in the local latitudes on balconies because of its decorative flowers, ...


Watering the garden is often a much debated topic. Because garden irrigation should not only be easy and convenient ...

Wall raised bed made of stones

A raised bed is ideal for numerous gardens, plots and terraces and provides an opportunity for ...

Prune roses before the frost

The rose as the queen in the garden bed is not a modest plant, its maintenance requirements are high. ...

Simply roll out a new lawn like a carpet and your feet sink deep into the dense and soft green ...

Cantaloupe melon

Water melons and honeydew melons are grown in tropical and subtropical regions. However, there are also smaller cultivars that you can add to your ...

Tulip magnolia, Magnolia soulangiana

Magnolias impress with their beautiful flowers. When the flowers appear depends on the type of magnolia. Because ...

Flower lexicon

Welcome to a foray through the colorful world of 130 types of flowers. In this lexicon you will learn the most beautiful types of flowers with ...

Grass pavers

Ideally, we want to design our gardens, front gardens and other open spaces as green and natural as possible. Indeed ...

Schefflera is poisonous in all of its plant parts

With a Schefflera (bot. Schefflera arboricolaver), also known as ray aralia, you can add lush greenery to your ...

Clematis 'Gipsy Queen'

Clematis, also known as clematis, are very popular in gardens, whether as a solitary plant on a trellis ...

Keep roses fresh longer

The different types of roses belong to the genus Rosa and are considered the queens among flowers. Their symbolic power makes them ...

Privet hedge contains toxic substances

Different varieties of privet are very popular as a hedge plant. The privet is considered to be easy to care for and fast-growing. Due to its cut resistance ...

Plants for the north side window sill

Windows facing north are a challenge when it comes to greening them. The reason is the lack of ...

Almost every house with a garden needs at least a small piece of lawn. It can be used in many ways ...

Magic snow Euphorbia graminea

The balcony plant magic snow has earned its unusual name in bloom. It conjures up a white blossom after ...

Is the magnolia tree poisonous

Due to its large, striking and fragrant flowers, the magnolia tree is often used as an ornamental wood in the garden or ...

Clematis is a beautiful climbing plant

With the right selection of clematis, you can enjoy the colorful flowers throughout the season ...

Chilli varieties

Who would have thought in this country that more than 4000 different chilli varieties actually thrive worldwide? Their pods differ in ...

Cucumbers in the greenhouse

Whether as a snack or in a salad, the cucumber is a permanent guest in our kitchens. So it is obvious, she ...

The genus Rhododendron belongs to the heather family, which have the botanical name Ericaceae. There are countless ...

Touch up bald spots in the lawn

Bare spots in the lawn are very annoying as they disturb the overall picture and make the green look unkempt ...

Watermelons are a piece of water paired with an incredible taste. Refreshing in summer and low in calories like no other ...


For many, the warm season begins with the lilac blossom, because the lilac bush usually shows ...

A lychee tree is still exotic in the local latitudes. Still, you can make the plant yourself from seeds ...

Fat hen, Sedum bellum

Succulents are not only extremely easy to care for, but are just as easy to propagate. How this works best, we have ...

Blue pillows, Aubrieta

Whether as a decorative companion on the wayside, as an eye-catcher in the rock garden, or as a "gap filler" in crevices and cracks - the ...

Drive away hornets

Hornets are protected species. For this reason they are neither allowed to destroy nor their nests on their own without official approval ...

Cherry laurel with flowers

A cherry laurel grows quickly, stays green all the time and survives local winters unscathed. He can even be ...

Fertilize turf

For many garden owners, turf is a quick alternative to the classic variant with sowing and a long waiting time until a ...

Grow honeydew melons

Whether as a fresh snack in summer or mixed into a salad over the winter, honeydew melons count like watermelons ...

Dahlia 'le castel'

Dahlias come in a wide variety of colors, sizes, and flower shapes. The color palette extends below ...

Tulip magnolia, Magnolia soulangeana

Year after year, magnolia trees herald spring in our latitudes. They enchant with their porcelain ...

Rosemary varieties

Rosemary is one of the herbs that should not be missing in the kitchen. There are numerous ...

Paprika & Chilli

Sowing peppers and chilli is easy, because basically all they need is a lot of light and ...

Pansy, viola

Whether on the balcony, in the front yard or in connection with a lush design of the private garden property - pansies belong ...

Plant hanging strawberries

If you want to grow strawberries yourself, you don't need a large garden. Because the red fruits can be ...

The indestructible willow plant is ideally suited as a hedge, but is also used in forestry as a renewable raw material. ...

Field thistle, Cirsium arvense

It is not always just what the hobby gardener wants that grows in the home garden. Instead, keep growing ...

Lilac leaves

A bright lilac in the garden is a beautiful sight and in many gardens it has already bloomed several times ...

Three hornet stings have the potential to kill an adult. This saying is still known today and persists ...

Lily 'Pink Perfection'

Countless types of lily show us the full range of colors that nature is capable of. For this they will ...

The buttercup with the botanical name Ranunculus sceleratus is not called the poison buttercup for nothing. But most of all he is under ...

Cucumber plant leaves hanging

The useful plants are actually uncomplicated to look after and bring with them a plentiful harvest. We're talking about the cucumber, ...

Cucumber plants also need proper care

Purchased cucumbers usually do not taste bitter, but whoever has planted the tasty vegetables in their own garden will ...

Remove scale insects from oleanders

Significant toxicity does not prevent oleander from pest infestation. Primary scale insects have the evergreen leaves ...

Gently expel moles

Moles are useful helpers in the garden. They destroy a lot of pests and loosen up the soil. She ...

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