Watering, fertilizing, cutting and more

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How much water do palm trees need?

Large plants in particular surprise with their thirst in the warm summer months. During this time it must be relatively frequent to be poured. At the same time, all palm trees are very sensitive to waterlogging. Therefore, keep to the following points when pouring:

  • Always water when the top inches of the soil feel dry.
  • Daily watering may be necessary at high temperatures.
  • In the transition period it is sufficient to water once a week.
  • Immediately pour away any excess liquid in the saucer.

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  • The location requirements of palm trees
  • Identify palms - this is how you recognize which palm you have
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Spray palm trees regularly

The plants thrive significantly better in moderate humidity. If the air is too dry, the leaf tips turn brown and become unsightly. Therefore, spray the attractive fronds daily with room-temperature, lime-free water. Water containing lime should not be used as it leaves very unsightly stains on the leaves after drying.

How is fertilization done?

In the growing season, the plants need a lot of strength and need regular fertilization. How much special fertilizer you apply depends on the variety. For slow-growing palm trees, give no more than half the concentration indicated on the packaging; fast-growing palms get exactly the recommended amount of fertilizer.

How is it cut?

Palm trees do not have to be in most cases cut will. However, the bottom leaves of almost all specimens become brown and unsightly over time. Wait until these have dried up to the trunk and then carefully pluck the fronds off.


Palms only need to be repotted every three to four years. Only when the substrate is completely permeated with roots does it need a new pot. When moving, proceed as follows:

  • The new planter should be no more than two sizes larger than the previous one.
  • Since palm trees are mostly top-heavy, heavy, tall clay pots are recommended.
  • Take the plant out of the old bucket very carefully. The thick, fleshy roots are quite delicate and must not be damaged.
  • First place a shard over the water drainage hole and then apply a drainage layer Expanded clay(€ 16.36 at Amazon *) put in the vessel.
  • Put a thin layer of special soil for palm trees or a mixture on top Compost soil those with foliage soil, peat, sharp sand or Lava granules(€ 14.00 at Amazon *) was enriched.
  • Insert palm.
  • Fill up to a few centimeters below the edge of the pot with substrate.
  • Water well.

Which fungi or pests are threatened?

Palms are quite robust. If you care for them properly, the plants will rarely grow Insect pests or Diseases infested.


A black coating on the fronds indicates sooty mildew, which often forms on the excretions of lice. First wash off the foliage thoroughly and then treat the palm with an aphid remedy.

Phoenix fire mushrooms show up by nodules on the palm fronds. If the infestation is low, it is sufficient to cut off the affected leaves and destroy them in the household waste. If the infection is severe, the plant must be treated with a special fungicide.


Have Spider mites on the palm when seated, the fronds turn yellowish or white. On the underside of the leaf, there are fine webs that often only become visible when sprayed with water. As a preventive measure, increase the humidity. In the event of an infestation, only treatment with suitable sprays will help.

White woolly Toppings on the fronds indicate mealybugs or mealybugs. Again, only a chemical spray will help.

You can recognize thrips or aphids by light-colored leaf spots. Shower the plant with a sharp jet to remove the animals and then spray with an insecticide.

Lightly discolored fronds can indicate scale insects, which are usually located on the underside of the leaf. The relatively large pests are easy to collect. Alternatively, treat with a pesticide here as well.

The palm tree in winter

Winter-proof palms planted in the garden are given winter protection made of fleece and a thick mulch cover made of leaves and brushwood, which protects the roots from severe frosts.

Bucket palms that have been outdoors during the summer must be housed in a suitable area overwinter. The winter garden or a weakly heated greenhouse is ideal. A basement room that is evenly tempered and not too dark or a frost-free garage is also suitable. The palm is only sparingly watered and not fertilized. The substrate should only be slightly damp and under no circumstances wet, otherwise there is a risk of root rot.


If you take proper care of palms, they will grow very large. Therefore, when choosing the location, make sure that the plant has enough space available. Avoid windy places and places with drafts, as the beautiful fronds can be badly affected here.