Gluing the garden wall instead of mortar

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Build the foundation

  • First, mark the course of the wall with sticks and stretch with one Guideline(€ 7.13 at Amazon *) away.
  • Sward remove and dig a trench 80 centimeters deep in the width of the wall.
  • Use board formwork for sandy soils.
  • Carefully compact the subsoil with a pad foot.
  • Pour around 40 centimeters of gravel into the pit in layers and compress it again and again.
  • Mix the concrete so that it is earth-moist and fill the pit.
  • Foundation of the garden wall Compact with the pad foot and smooth it out with a square piece of wood using a large spirit level.

It is imperative that you adhere to the setting time of the material, which is usually 48 hours. The formwork is then removed. Finally, a layer of bitumen cardboard is burned on as an additional moisture barrier.

also read

  • A garden wall from Ytong - is it possible and how is it erected
  • Raising garden wall - this is how you need to proceed
  • Creatively design garden walls - ideas from modern to rural-romantic

The masonry

The first row of stones must also be placed in a bed of mortar in the case of a glued wall. Mix enough mortar to do this, apply a layer about three centimeters thick and set the stones.

Tap it on with a rubber mallet. The bricks must be at the same height and in line. The material should then set for 24 hours.

It continues as follows:

  • Apply the special adhesive according to the manufacturer's instructions.
  • Put some glue on the stone, put the layers of glue on top of each other and press the brick lightly.
  • Move the individual rows of stones by ¾ or half. A guide line is stretched for precise alignment.

Finally, the end stones are glued to the top of the wall. The gaps between the cover plates must be grouted so that no moisture can penetrate here either.


Depending on the federal state, there are different regulations how high a free-standing garden wall may be. You can obtain information on this from the competent authority. Often the regulations are also available online in the municipality's development plan.

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