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Be sure to remove leaves from the lawn

In contrast to your plants, which are mostly at the same time as the Leaf shedding As the trees go into hibernation, your lawn will continue to grow, albeit not as quickly. Right now the grass needs sufficient oxygen and light to convert the factors into energy. Lying autumn leaves let neither light nor oxygen on the stalks. This resulted in yellow spots that were noticeable in spring at the latest. On top of that, rot can even occur if the moisture does not escape from the leaves.

also read

  • Tips for removing leaves
  • Simply leave the lawn behind after mowing
  • Remove or dig up old lawn?

What can be done against stains on the lawn?

The spots mentioned are rust fungus. Most of the time, yellowish pustules appear in places on the lawn when it occurs. Among other things, this is a sign of insufficient nutrients in the soil. Because your lawn is still not covered with leaves fertilize should take care of a potassium-containing Lawn fertilizer in this case for remedy. You should also mow your lawn briefly before the onset of winter.

Useful tips for collecting leaves

The only question left is how best to remove the foliage from the lawn remove. The most common, albeit the most laborious, method is that Rake. However, with the lawn mower, the work is much faster. In addition, the following advantages arise with machine help:

  • Foliage becomes at the same time crushed
  • Leaves remain in the grass catcher
  • no stooping
  • Foliage is completely removed
  • also possible on windy days