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The best place for giant bamboo

If you have a lot of space in your garden, you can plant a giant bamboo there, provided it is sunny enough there. Because the otherwise very easy-care Dendrocalamus giganteus likes it light and also likes to be sheltered from the wind. Plan an area of ​​around 10 square meters for the fully grown giant bamboo.

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  • How big is the giant bamboo?
  • Is the giant bamboo hardy?
  • How well does the giant bamboo grow in Germany?

Which soil is suitable for the giant bamboo?

The preferred soil for giant bamboo is loose and rich in nutrients. It can also be a little damp, but under no circumstances should waterlogging develop there. This causes your giant bamboo to die off if you do not intervene in time. A little Horse manure provides the necessary nutrients and with fine gravel or coarse sand you loosen up the soil if this is necessary.

Thoroughly water the root ball of your giant bamboo before moving it to its new location. That makes it easier for him to grow. The ideal planting time is spring, so strong roots have formed by the warm summer.

Does the giant bamboo need a rhizome barrier?

All species of the phyllostachys form long root runners, these are called rhizomes. Like the black bamboo, the giant bamboo is one of these rhizome-forming species. So that it does not overgrow your entire garden in a few years, you should use one Rhizome barrier work into the ground.

The trade offers special foils as rhizome barriers. Pond liner is not suitable for this purpose, it is not a major obstacle for the outwardly striving roots of the giant bamboo. Work the rhizome barrier into the ground as soon as you plant it according to the manufacturer's instructions; later incorporation is very time-consuming and labor-intensive.

The most important planting tips in brief:

  • sunny or in the Penumbra plants
  • nutrient-rich and loose soil
  • possibly upgrade with well-rotted manure (horse manure)
  • loosen with sand or gravel
  • Install rhizome barrier
  • Water the root ball well before planting


If you plant your giant bamboo later in the year, take extra care to water it regularly.

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