When and how is the pricking out?

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Sow beetroot in the bed

Do you want beetroot straight into the bed sowing, you should wait until mid-May because the young seedlings are very sensitive to the cold. Then do the following:

  • At a distance of about 30 cm, make planting grooves in which you plant the beetroot seeds one to two centimeters deep.
  • Sow a seed every one to two centimeters, after all these will be pricked out later.
  • Cover the seeds with soil and water them well.
  • During the coming weeks, make sure that the soil around the germinating seeds is always slightly moist.

also read

  • Prick beetroot plants
  • Sow beetroot in your own garden
  • The beetroot season: when does it come?

When should beetroot be singled out?

Beetroot germinates after about ten to fourteen days and then grows fairly quickly. The best time to Prick out is about four to six weeks after the sowingwhen the beetroot has reached a height of one to three centimeters.

How is the beetroot singulated: a guide

All you need to separate them is a stick with a pointed tip. This can be a toothpick, a shish kebab stick or a special piki stick.

To separate the beetroot, proceed as follows:

  • Choose the plants that you want to stand. These should be strong, healthy seedlings. These are not touched.
  • Chop in pieces so that only a beetroot is left about every seven centimeters.
  • Use the chopstick to loosen the soil around the plant that you want to remove.
  • Pack the plant as close as possible to the roots without touching parts of the plants on neighboring beets.
  • Carefully pull out the seedling with gentle shaking movements.
  • Lightly press the loosened soil around the remaining plants.

What to do with the pricked out plants?

Now it would be a shame to just throw away the pricked plants. This is also completely unnecessary, because you can use them entirely:

  • You can plant the pricked out plants in another location and grow them into large beets.
  • You can use them for tasty dishes. here you will find a few simple recipe ideas.
  • The red seedlings are also ideal as decoration for hearty dishes.