This is how the seeds germinate on the windowsill

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All you need are:

  • Flower pots, at least 9-10 cm in diameter
  • commercial Potting soil or garden soil
  • and of course seeds

Seeds from the bag or pulled yourself?

You can easily get the seeds in the garden center or choose from the wide range of online shipping. A seed bag usually contains 7 to 10 seeds. Even after pricking, that's enough for a family.

also read

  • Zucchini - an undemanding vegetable for the garden
  • Sow the zucchini directly outside
  • Grow zucchini in the right location

Another option is to extract the seeds yourself from fully ripe fruits. The seeds are removed, dried on kitchen paper for 2 to 3 days, cleaned and dried up to sowing stored dry next spring.

Sowing, germination time, pricking out

It starts in mid-April: First you fill the pots with soil and insert the seeds 2 to 3 cm deep. Then you can water them carefully and place the pots on the sunny windowsill.

The first seedlings appear after 6 to 14 days. During this time, the soil must always be kept moist. If several seedlings develop per pot, only the stronger one is left. The weaker ones are carefully removed by hand.

While the young plants are growing, you can put them outdoors for a few hours. This is especially advisable if they are gradually getting too big for the windowsill.

Planting out

About 4 weeks after sowing, the plants are big enough to be planted in Outdoors or one Balcony tubs to implement. It is good if you wait for the ice saints in mid / end of May. Without damaging the sensitive root ball, carefully remove the plants from the pot and place them in the prepared planting holes in the vegetable or flower bed or in the large tub.

Tips & Tricks

The name zucchini is derived from the Italian word "zucca" and means little pumpkin. While the pumpkins come from America, zucchini were made in the 17th First grown in Italy in the 19th century.

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