Keeping moles out with wire »This is how you lay mole screens

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Mole as a beneficial insect

As much as he is hated by many: The Mole is actually a beneficial insect, because:

  • The mole keeps the garden pest-free because Grubs, Insect larvae and other things are his favorite food.
  • The mole digs through the ground and thus ensures good ventilation.
  • The mole keeps "real" pests such as voles or rats away.

also read

  • Mole or vole in the garden? - How to find out the difference
  • Do voles hibernate?
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So think twice about whether you really want to get rid of this natural pest killer.

Before you lay the mole wire

Before you set about keeping the mole out, you need to make sure that there isn't a mole IN. Under no circumstances should you keep the mole in the garden catch or even kill. Therefore, you should only lay the wire if you don't have a mole in the garden. Otherwise, you need to do this first to evict.

Two options for laying mole wire

Mole wire or mole screen is a fine-meshed net made of plastic or metal. It can be laid horizontally or vertically.

Lay the wire horizontally against the mole

Horizontal laying is a good idea if, for example, you are B. create a new lawn.

  1. Lift off 10cm of the floor and lay the mole screen over the entire surface.
  2. If several individual grids are used, they must overlap.
  3. Then cover the mole net with soil and sow your lawn.

This variant is particularly practical when you are laying turf: Simply place the mole screen directly under the lawn - that's it.
Alternatively, you can lay the wire on the ground and wait for the lawn to cover it up.

Let the mole screen vertically into the earth

This is the usual variant, because unless you are laying new turf, the other option is quite time-consuming. When laying vertically, it is important that you do not leave the mole a loophole - neither above nor below the ground.

  1. Mark the course of your lock - it should be complete and end where it begins.
  2. Now dig the trench at least 50cm, better 100cm deep.
  3. Place the mole screen in the trench. It should protrude a few inches above.
  4. If several parts are used, they should overlap by several centimeters and be connected to one another with wire.
  5. Finally, pour the wire in.
  6. Build a small fence on the excess mole wire to prevent the mole from entering your garden above ground.


If you also want to keep voles out, you'll need to use special vole wire that is stronger and more closely meshed.