The 10 best indoor plants

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Indoor plants make the apartment more cozy and colorful and ensure good air. We'll show you which plants are best for indoors.

House plants on the ground against a gray background
Plants are also welcome indoors [Photo: rattiya lamrod /]

Not only can it green and bloom outside, plants are also welcome roommates inside. Not only do they give the apartment more cosiness, they are also super decorative and ensure a good indoor climate. But not every plant can be kept indoors without any problems - some plants require a lot of attention and skill to thrive indoors.


  • 1. Kentia palm
  • 2. Dragon tree
  • 3. Bow hemp
  • 4. Peace lily
  • 5. Philodendron
  • 6. Lucky feather
  • 7. Mountain palm
  • 8. Efeutute
  • 9. Houseleek
  • 10. Violin fig

Fortunately, there is also the opposite: Plants that grow almost by themselves in the house. Here you can find out which plants are perfect as green roommates and what you need to consider.

1. Kentia palm

The Kentia palm (Howea forsteriana) is an impressive houseplant that convinces with its simple elegance. With its pretty pinnate leaves and its evenly dense growth, the Kentia palm fits into almost any room and provides the right feel-good factor there. The slow-growing houseplant can reach a stately three meters in height in the course of its life if it is well cared for. Fortunately, the Kentia palm is very robust: it just doesn't like direct sunlight. On the other hand, it is completely sufficient if it is only watered once a week. In order for the Kentia palm to convince with its pretty appearance for a long time to come, you should, however, now and then clean off the dust again: otherwise an ugly leaf will quickly form, especially on the large leaves Layer.

Kentia palm in a pot
The pinnate leaves in particular make the Kentia palm an eye-catcher [Photo: deckorator /]

2. Dragon tree

A classic plant for indoors is also the Dragon tree (Dracaena). And rightly so: Not only is the dragon tree a wonderfully decorative houseplant as a solitary, it also improves the indoor climate. The air purifying plant harmful formaldehyde from their environment and thus ensures relaxed breathing. But not only that ensures its extraordinary popularity as a houseplant - it is also Caring for the evergreen dragon tree also not difficult at all. In a light to partially shaded location without direct sunlight, the houseplant only needs to be watered regularly. You should make sure that the substrate has dried well before the next watering, because the dragon tree does not tolerate waterlogging. On the other hand, high humidity is not a problem for the dragon tree, which is why it is also wonderfully suitable for baths.

Dragon tree in a pot on a wooden table
Simple and stylish, the dragon tree fits into every apartment [Photo: GoodMood Photo /]

3. Bow hemp

Bow hemp (Sansevieria) is known as a houseplant mainly because of its easy-care nature. In fact, the plant forgives pretty much any care mistake and is therefore also suitable for beginners and people without green fingers. There are only two things you should pay attention to when caring for the bow hemp: On the one hand, the plants should only watered when the soil in the pot is completely dry (this is about every two weeks the Case). On the other hand, it should have a place that is as warm as possible - the bow hemp feels comfortable from 15 ° C and above. But the bow hemp has more to offer than its simple needs suggest: Its upright, sword-shaped Leaves with the golden yellow pattern make it a simple but stylish plant for indoors that is perfect for every room added.

Young bow hemp in a gray pot
The bow hemp is perfect for people without green fingers [Photo: Myimagine /]

4. Peace lily

Noble, useful and also easy to care for? the Peace lily (Spathiphyllum), also called one-sheet, has all three abilities. In addition to its classic elegance, which it receives from its white flowers in contrast to the glossy green leaves, the peace lily is also known as an air-purifying plant. Scientific studies have shown that the peace lily can absorb and break down harmful gases and thus ensure a favorable indoor climate. And the useful beauty is anything but a diva: If you avoid drafts and waterlogging and ensure temperatures around 20 - 25 ° C, the single sheet feels good all round.

White single sheet with a gray background
Noble, useful and also easy to care for - the peace lily can do almost anything [Photo: Georgina198 /]

5. Philodendron

The Philodendron (Philodendron) is an extremely attractive green plant with its heart-shaped, beautifully drawn leaves. As a climbing plant attached to a plant stick, the philodendron creates an exotic flair, but even as a traffic light plant, it shows itself from its most beautiful side and quickly ensures a great one Sheet curtain. As a plant for indoors, the philodendron is not only popular because of its pretty exterior. Its easy-care nature also makes it a great houseplant: the philodendron asks little, but offers a lot. The philodendron should only be watered regularly, and the room temperature should never drop below 12 ° C.

Philodendron in brown pot
The philodendron has heart-shaped, nicely drawn leaves [Photo: artpritsadee /]

6. Lucky feather

Especially in dark rooms, many plants grow sickly or even begin to worry - but not them Lucky feather (Zamioculcas zamiifolia): Even in shady rooms, this plant will continue to grow unperturbed. Especially its robust nature makes the lucky feather an ideal roommate. A normal room temperature, no direct sun and a regular sip of water are enough for the plant to be happy. The extremely robust and frugal plant with its leathery, dark green leaves is also a visual enrichment for every house. With a height of up to one meter, it is also ideal as a solitaire and enriches every room with its charm.

Lucky feather in a pot in the living room
The lucky feather is a very frugal plant [Photo: New Africa /]

7. Mountain palm

Straight from the mountains to your apartment - as its name suggests, the mountain palm comes from (Chamaedorea elegans) from the mountains, to be more precise from the mountain forests of Mexico. In the house, the mountain palm with its elegant, overhanging fronds provides a touch of sun, beach and sea. But anyone who thinks that you have to put a lot of effort into this holiday feeling is wrong. The root ball of the plant should only be watered in a full bath about every two weeks so that the roots can soak themselves up. In addition, placed in a light to partially shaded location without direct midday sun, the mountain palm usually thrives on its own.

Mountain palm in a white pot on a white background
Lush green leaves from Mexican forests - the mountain palm [Photo: ranmaru /]

8. Efeutute

Whether as a traffic light, climbing or solitary plant, the Efeutute (Epipremnum aureum) always cuts a fine figure. Their leaf shape is reminiscent of the leaves of the philodendron, which is not surprising, since both plants are closely related. In addition, the Efeutute is characterized by an unusual leaf color and pattern, which can range from dark green to yellow to white. The Efeutute feels particularly comfortable in light to partially shaded locations, but it also tolerates shady spots - only its pattern is not as colorful here. In addition, the efeutute should be watered regularly. If these points are observed, the ivy thrives excellently and develops surprisingly long shoots.

The shoots of the efeutute can grow surprisingly long with good care [Photo: Myimagine /]

9. Houseleek

With almost 2000 known varieties, houseleek (Sempervivum) there will be something for every taste. The houseleek shines with its almost unbelievable diversity, which is reflected in the color, shape and size of the plants. The beautiful rosette-like foliage not only has a different structure, depending on the variety, but can also be colored green, red or blue-gray. The flowers can also appear pink, red or even yellow and white - there are an almost infinite number of variants available for houseleek. But especially its robust nature makes houseleek a great indoor plant. The houseleek only needs to be watered once a week, and the plant can do without fertilizer entirely. The perennial succulent plant forgives even gross care mistakes, which among other things may have earned it its botanical name “sempervivum”, which means “always alive”.

Houseleek in a brown top on a wooden table
The houseleek only needs to be watered once a week [Photo: Humannet /]

10. Violin fig

You don't want a small, inconspicuous houseplant but a real eye-catcher? Then it is Violin fig (Ficus lyrata) just the thing for you: With its large, imposing leaves, which are also noticeably veined, the violin fig attracts everyone's attention. But anyone who thinks that such an impressive plant also needs a lot of care is wrong. In truth, the violin fig is one of the more easy-care houseplants: it only needs temperatures for good growth over 16 ° C, should be watered from time to time and given some fertilizer about every 14 days - you should only be waterlogged in any case avoid. If the violin fig grows over your head with too good care, you can also use scissors, because the plant tolerates pruning very well. However, wear gloves: The escaping sap can cause skin irritation.

Violin fig in a white pot
With its imposing leaves, the violin fig is a real eye-catcher [Photo: artpritsadee /]

tip: House plants should also be adequately fertilized, because nutrients are often used up quickly in pots. A liquid fertilizer like our Plantura Organic indoor & green plant fertilizer is perfectly tailored to the needs of indoor plants and is quickly and easily administered via the irrigation water.

If green houseplants are too boring for you, our special article 10 flowering house plantsthat bring a little more color into the house.

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