Fertilizing gooseberries: when, how & with what?

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In order for the harvest to be productive in summer, the gooseberry needs sufficient nutrients. We show what you should pay attention to when fertilizing gooseberries.

Gooseberries in the pot
Gooseberries need nutrients to grow well and produce plenty of fruit [Photo: Ed Samuel / Shutterstock.com]

the Gooseberry (Ribes uva-crispa) belongs to the gooseberry family (Grossulariaceae) and is close to the Red currant (Ribes rubrum) related. With berry bushes one often has the impression that they produce a lot of fruit every year on their own. In order for your gooseberry to perform like this, however, it must constantly form new shoots and requires sufficient nutrients from the fruit both for growth and for the formation of the fruit Floor. In nutrient-rich soil, your gooseberry may get by without fertilization for a few years, but eventually the natural supplies are used up and the shoot growth, the yield and the fruit quality keep going after. So that it doesn't get that far in the first place, we tell you how you can optimally support your gooseberries in their development with needs-based fertilization.


  • The right time to fertilize gooseberries
  • The perfect fertilizer for gooseberries
    • Mainly fertilize gooseberries organically: application recommendation
    • Mineral fertilize gooseberries
    • Fertilize gooseberries with home remedies

Depending on the stage of growth, your gooseberries have different nutritional requirements over the course of the year. In this article we will explain when, how and with what best to fertilize your gooseberries.

The right time to fertilize gooseberries

In order for your gooseberry to thrive, you should make sure that it has enough nutrients right from the start. You should therefore choose a suitable location for your shrub before planting. Basically, gooseberries are relatively undemanding. However, they thrive best on medium-heavy, well-drained soils with a high proportion of humus. Lean soils can optionally be achieved by incorporating organic materials such as Garden compost or rotted manure. In general, the first, mainly organic, fertilization when planting is recommended in autumn. An organic fertilizer with long-term organic effects like ours Plantura organic universal fertilizer is perfect to give your gooseberry an optimal start. This not only improves the soil structure, but also enriches the gooseberry root zone with enough nutrients to ensure good starting conditions.

Planted gooseberry
An initial fertilization can be carried out when the gooseberry is planted [Photo: ajlatan / Shutterstock.com]

In the following years you should do an annual basic fertilization in early spring, because gooseberries need enough nitrogen for the shoots to grow. If you only fertilize with compost, we recommend an annual application in late autumn, so that the organic material is retained Already somewhat decomposed over the winter and the gooseberry can feed directly from new nutrient stores with the early budding. One or two more doses of compost will follow in early spring. For fertilizers with a higher nutrient density such as manure or mainly organic fertilizers like ours Plantura organic universal fertilizer if this is not absolutely necessary, they are applied once in spring (March). They are particularly gentle on the plants, the soil and the animals in your garden. You can give a second, smaller application of fertilizer in April to support the blossoms and fruit formation.

When are gooseberries fertilized?

  • When planting, incorporate some compost or fertilizer with an organic long-term effect
  • Annual compost doses in late autumn or early spring
  • Basic fertilization with mainly organic slow-release fertilizer in spring (March)
  • Second application of fertilizer for flower and fruit formation (April)
Granulated fertilizers worked into the soil
The fertilizer granulate is easily worked into the top soil layers [Photo: photowind / Shutterstock.com]

The perfect fertilizer for gooseberries

A wide variety of fertilizers are available to you to supply your gooseberries with nutrients. In addition to organic and mineral fertilizers from specialist retailers, you can also use natural fertilizers, which are already used in most gardens and households.

Mainly fertilize gooseberries organically: application recommendation

Your own garden compost or rotted stable manure are wonderfully suitable for supplying your gooseberries with nutrients. However, as already mentioned, these natural fertilizers should best be applied in late autumn, so that the nutrients it contains take effect in good time for the beginning of the growing season in spring can. In addition, it is advisable to cover the soil around the gooseberry plant with a layer of mulch made from lawn clippings. The constant decomposition of the organic material provides your gooseberry with additional nutrients. In addition, the mulch layer keeps the moisture in the soil and suppresses the growth of weeds, which would rob the gooseberries of nutrients.

If you don't have any natural fertilizers available, an organic fertilizer with organic long-term effects is like ours Plantura organic universal fertilizer the optimal choice. So that sufficient nutrients are available for your gooseberries over a longer period of time, there are many reasons for using a fertilizer with organic long-term effects.

What are the advantages of an organic fertilizer with an organic long-term effect?

  • Nutrients are gradually released for the plant via the decomposition by microorganisms from the soil
  • Promotion of healthy, active soil life and sustainable improvement of the soil structure
  • Particularly environmentally friendly due to the fact that no chemicals are used

Our Plantura organic universal fertilizer is mainly made from organic, animal-free raw materials that are left over from the food, feed and luxury food industries. Due to its composition, it is ideally suited for the long-term supply of nutrients to berry bushes. A high proportion of nitrogen promotes plant growth and leaf formation. Sufficient phosphorus and potassium also ensure abundant flowering and plenty of fruit as the year progresses. So that you supply your gooseberry with the optimal amount of nutrients, we have prepared detailed fertilization instructions for you below.

Plantura universal fertilizer
Our Plantura organic universal fertilizer mainly consists of organic residues and is therefore very resource-saving

Long-term organic fertilization: Instructions & dosage quantities for gooseberries

  1. When planting: 80-160 g / m² (6-13 heaped tablespoons) of ours Plantura organic universal fertilizer work into the upper soil layers
  2. Water the inserted gooseberry bush well so that the granules can loosen
  3. Every spring (beginning of March) fertilize 90-140 g per plant (7-11 heaped tablespoons)
  4. A small amount of fertilizer for blossoms and fruit formation in April supplies your plant again optimally

Mineral fertilize gooseberries

Blue grain, Liquid fertilizers and the like are still popular as universal fertilizers in the garden. The nutrients it contains are in pure form and can be absorbed directly by the plant from the soil solution. This ensures a quick nutrient boost, but at the same time increases the simple solubility of the nutrient salts the risk of leaching into deeper soil layers, which in the worst case leads to contamination of the groundwater can. In contrast to mineral fertilizers, primarily organic fertilizers work more slowly, but they promote soil life through constant decomposition and sustainably improve the soil structure.

Fertilize gooseberries with home remedies

If you want to do something good for your gooseberries in addition to the annual basic fertilization, the administration of diluted is recommended Nettle manure. This promotes nitrogen conversion in the soil and attracts useful soil organisms (for example Earthworms), which help in the implementation of the organic material and at the same time the soil loosen.

You may have heard of the advice of mulching gooseberries with comfrey leaves. The fact is that the leaves of the native wild herb are very rich in potash and are essential for life Nutrient is gradually released to the plant through the slow decomposition of the mulch layer. Potassium not only promotes fruit stocking, but is also important for root formation and the resistance of the plant. If you want, you can also make a liquid manure from the comfrey leaves and water the plant with it during the annual fertilization with compost. Note, however, that you should dilute the liquid manure in a ratio of 1:10 with water before watering so that the plant does not get burned.

Gooseberries attacked by powdery mildew
Potassium promotes the resilience of the plant and can protect against fungal attack [Photo: Dudakova Elena / Shutterstock.com]

You can also achieve a similar effect as with the comfrey leaves if you sprinkle wood ash under the gooseberry. Ash is also extremely rich in potassium and also contains valuable trace elements and lime. The actual waste product that arises in wood stoves not only acts as a fertilizer, but is also anti-fungal and rot-resistant, so that an infestation with plant diseases - for example with the American gooseberry powdery mildew, which is typical of gooseberries (Sphaerotheca mors uvae) - can be counteracted preventively. Anything else you need to Planting, propagating and utilizing gooseberries should know, check out our comprehensive review article.

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