Sunflowers: Everything about planting, caring for and harvesting

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Sunflowers are the epitome of summer and bring a good mood in every garden and on the balcony. We have useful tips for your sunflower.

Sunflower in hand
Sunflowers are a must in any garden [Photo: Darkdiamond67 /]

Summer, sun, sunflowers - the genus of sunflowers (Helianthus) embodies the summer soul of the flower world. Whether meter-high specimens in the garden, small varieties for the pot or particularly colorful flowers in the vase: The Sun worshipers look good everywhere and become real eye-catchers when they are given enough sun, water and nutrients are supplied. With their nectar and seeds, they not only provide a source of food for native insects, birds and other animals. The hobby gardener can also use his own harvest as a healthy snack, for oil production or as seeds for the next season.


  • Sunflowers: meaning, origin and properties
  • Sunflower species: variety in growth and flower color
  • Buy and care for sunflowers in pots
    • Sunflowers in pots: this should be considered when buying
    • Maintain, fertilize and water sunflowers in pots
  • Prefer sunflowers and sowing
  • Plant and care for sunflowers in the bed
    • Planting sunflowers: when and how?
    • Water and fertilize sunflowers in the bed
    • Sunflowers: sow directly in the bed
  • Sunflower in the vase
    • Cut sunflowers for the vase
    • Care for sunflowers in the vase
  • Harvest sunflower seeds from your own garden

Sunflowers: meaning, origin and properties

With its large, yellow flowers, the sunflower is the epitome of the warm season. Because the large flowers not only resemble a sun, the love of these plants for life-giving light goes so far that the flower follows the day above the sun. She never lets the sun out of her sight all day and in the evening, saddened by the separation, closes her bloom. As well as Chrysanthemums (Chrysanthemum) and Dahlias (Dahlia) the sunflower belongs to the sunflower family (Asteraceae). The genus consists of 67 species, all of which come from North America. Already around 2500 BC Chr. the sunflower was verifiably grown on this continent. Nowadays, giving a sunflower as a gift is an honest expression of "I like you".

Sunflowers in the sunset field
Sunflower blooms follow the day above the sun [Photo: Getman /]

There are both annual and perennial plants that can reach heights of 20 centimeters to 4.5 meters. In Europe, the actual sunflower (Helianthus annuus) and the Jerusalem artichoke (Helianthus tuberosus) known as crops. They are used as food, forage crops and also to produce biodiesel. The seeds of the sunflower are also real vitamin bombs. They contain vitamins A, B, E and F, and they are also rich in vegetable protein and minerals. The roots are strong and reach deep, so that sunflowers loosen up the soil for subsequent crops.

Sunflowers: The flowering period

The basket-shaped inflorescences show up between June and October, depending on the species. The large pseudo-flowers house thousands of small flower tongues. A single sunflower seed is then formed from each of these.

Sunflower species: variety in growth and flower color

The genus of sunflowers (Helianthus) includes 67 species. Among them are annual species such as H. annuus, but also perennial species like H. decapetalus or H.microcephalus. But not only the endurance of the species differs. Countless varieties present themselves with simple, semi-double or double flowers. Cultivars that remain small such as'Double dandy' or ,Little Leo‘Are particularly good in pots, whereas large varieties such as'Prado Red' or ,Sonja‘Turn your bed into a sunny sea of ​​flowers. The flower colors range from the typical yellow tones as in 'American giant‘About orange varieties like 'Sunrich Orange‘To multi-colored varieties such as the red and white 'Floristan‘.

Helianthus annuus Floristan
An eye-catcher in the garden: ‘Floristan’ [Photo: H.Tanaka /]

A wider range of annual and perennial Sunflower species for beds and pots we have put together for you here.

Buy and care for sunflowers in pots

With sunflowers in the pot, you can let the sun rise anywhere. However, when buying plants, you should always keep in mind the future size of the adult plant. After the purchase, it is important to ensure that there is sufficient supply, because the small ones Energy power plants produce large amounts of biomass and accordingly use water quickly as well as nutrients.

Sunflowers in pots
When growing in pots, it is advisable to buy a variety that remains small [Photo: lzf /]

Sunflowers in pots: this should be considered when buying

Always ask in stores about the exact variety of sunflower. Everything is represented from 30 centimeters to several meters in height. Small varieties such as'Pacino‘, ‚Sunspot' or ,Orange Sun‘. Otherwise, the plants should neither stand in water in the trade, nor should the soil be completely dry. Yellow and brown leaves indicate improper care and a sick plant. It is best to choose a beautifully growing plant that has strong green leaves and whose flowers have not all opened yet. Always check the plant for pests as well.

Maintain, fertilize and water sunflowers in pots

Sunflowers need sun, regardless of whether they are in pots or beds. They are only really happy in a full sun. The light gives the plants a lot of energy, which makes the growth of the sun worshipers literally explode. Therefore, the happy flower needs huge amounts of water and fertilizer. The following applies to successful care:

  • Watering: very high water consumption; Always keep soil moist; Avoid waterlogging
  • Fertilize: In the growth phase regularly with an organic slow release fertilizer like ours Plantura organic flower fertilizer, fertilize. Incidentally, the flower does not have to be cut off after it has faded.
Sunflower as a potted plant
As a potted plant, the sunflower needs water and fertilizer [Photo: BBA Photography /]

 More detailed information on Sunflower in the pot You will find here.

Prefer sunflowers and sowing

The strikingly striped sunflower seeds are not only great to eat, they can also be used to multiply the plants. In this way, you can save part of the valuable harvest of annual sunflowers in order to have seeds ready for the next year. The seeds are sown in March in a large pot with a drainage hole and saucer.

When sowing sunflowers, do the following:

  • Lay a drainage layer made of gravel or potsherds on the bottom of the pot
  • Fill the pot with potting soil or a mixture of garden soil and ripe compost
  • Sow seeds about 1 cm deep into the ground (dark germinator)
  • Water the soil well
  • Always keep the soil moist, water regularly and thoroughly
  • Location: sunny to partial shade; Windowsill
  • Temperature: around 15-20 ° C
  • Germination time: 8-14 days
Sunflower seedlings in pots
The seedlings can already be brought forward [Photo: Ronald Sumners /]

Always expect failures when sowing. You should therefore plant more seeds in the pot than you ultimately want. If too many sunflower seeds have sprouted and the pot has become too small, the seedlings are pricked at least ten centimeters apart or placed in their own pots. Take the opportunity here and sort out weak, small plants. After pricking, the water is poured well again and the soil is kept moist. Sunflowers still need a lot of water during germination and as a young plant. From a size of 30 centimeters, the water requirement of the plants is then less. From mid-May the little sunshine can finally be planted out.

Plant and care for sunflowers in the bed

Whether large varieties as background plants or small ones as bright splashes of color between other greenery: sunflowers look wonderful in every bed. Because when you see the sun worshipers you immediately get in a good mood. However, proper care is required so that the flowers can shine well into autumn.

Planting sunflowers: when and how?

Sunflowers are planted out in mid-May when there is no longer any risk of frost. To do this, place the plant in a planting hole with twice the circumference of the root ball and fill it up with a mixture of garden soil and compost. The planting distance should be around 50 cm. The earth is pressed lightly and then properly poured on.

Sunflower in the garden in the flower bed
In the case of tall sunflowers, sufficient plant spacing should be ensured in the bed [Photo: Wolfgang Zwanzger /]

More about Planting sunflowers, whether in a bed or in a pot, you can find out here.

Water and fertilize sunflowers in the bed

The sunflower likes to bathe in sunlight, but unfortunately a lot of water is lost through evaporation. The plant has to take this up again through its roots. So pour sunflowers generously in the bed as soon as the top layer of soil has dried. In the summer, you may even have to reach for the watering can twice a day. Always water in the morning or in the evening. It is best to fertilize with a predominantly organic organic fertilizer while it is growing. Our Plantura organic flower fertilizer is ideal for sunflowers and also strengthens the soil life and is therefore less harmful to our environment than mineral fertilizers. Perennial sunflowers are no longer fertilized from September.

Sunflowers: sow directly in the bed

Sunflowers can also be conveniently sown directly in the bed. The seeds are sown two to three centimeters deep in April. The garden soil is mixed in with compost beforehand and it is always kept moist from the point of sowing. At temperatures around 15 to 20 ° C, the first seedlings should appear within 14 days at the latest.

Planting sunflower seeds
Sunflowers can also be conveniently sown directly into the bed [Photo: amenic181 /]

Sunflower in the vase

Sunflowers also exude their summer charm in the vase. Here, however, it is important not only to stage the vase as well as possible. With the right cut and under optimal conditions, you can get the most out of the cut flower and make it last much longer in the vase.

Cut sunflowers for the vase

The best time to cut is early in the morning on a dry day. To do this, choose a flower that has opened slightly, but not yet fully. Now, when cutting the selected sunflower, do the following:

  • Use clean, sharp secateurs
  • Cut off the flower with the desired stem length
  • Remove the lower leaves
  • Cut the cut surface at an angle
  • Cut into the cut surface about 2 cm deep
  • Immerse the cut surface in hot water for a few seconds
Cut off the sunflower
Cutting at an angle makes the sunflowers more durable [Photo: Agnes Kantaruk /]

The cut sunflower is then placed in a vase filled with fresh water in a place protected from direct sun and drafts.

Care for sunflowers in the vase

Even when cut flowers no longer grow, they need a certain amount of care. Therefore, trim the cut surface every two days. You should even change the water in the vase every day.

More to Sunflowers in the vase can also be found here.

Sunflowers in transparent vase on wood
The water should be lukewarm and changed daily [Photo: Africa Studio /]

Harvest sunflower seeds from your own garden

After flowering, the inflorescences are left on the plant because the seeds continue to ripen there. The seeds that ripen on the plant can also be covered with a permeable fabric to keep birds away. It is harvested as soon as the flower head is completely dry. It then hangs down and the sunflower seeds can be easily peeled off. Pull the bird repellent fabric together by the stem and seal it. After that, the flower head is cut off and hung in a dry, airy place. The seeds fall into the fabric by themselves and can be collected after a few days. Alternatively, you can cut off the head after flowering and let it mature and dry indoors. The seeds are then stored in a dry, cool, airy and dark place until they are sown.

Sunflower seeds on flower head
The flower head can be removed to dry [Photo: Tharnapoom Voranavin /]

Sunflowers not only cut a good figure on the wayside, they are also colorful eye-catchers in the vase. This article will provide you with the best tips for Sunflowers in the vase.

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