Watering lavender: when & how much is necessary?

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Lavender is adapted to the Mediterranean climate and requires little water. Here you can find out what you should still pay attention to when watering lavender.

Lavender in the garden
If the lavender is watered correctly, its fragrance and the purple flowers are an asset to any garden [Photo: Jeanette Dietl / Shutterstock.com]

lavender (Lavandula) is relatively undemanding and easy to care for in cultivation. However, the Mediterranean herb does not tolerate cold and moisture well. In the worst case, waterlogging can cause the roots to rot and other parts of the plant to begin to go moldy. Even so, of course, your lavender needs enough water to grow and thrive. So the trick is to find the right measure for your darling when pouring.

When, how much and how often you have to water your lavender depends mainly on the external conditions and the type of cultivation. In the following we explain to you what you have to pay attention to.

Watering lavender in summer

Thanks to its long taproot and a well-developed network of roots, the lavender is planted in the Beet able to supply itself with sufficient water and nutrients from deeper layers of the earth supply. Therefore, when cultivating in the garden bed, you only need to water lavender during prolonged periods of drought. Flowers and leaves should come into contact with the irrigation water as little as possible. It is best to water early in the morning, as this allows the water to evaporate throughout the day.

Lavender in the flower bed
Lavender hardly needs to be watered in the garden bed [Photo: hraska / Shutterstock.com]

Tip from the professional: Water close to the ground so that flowers and leaves are not wetted with water as much as possible. Otherwise, if the plants do not dry off quickly, fungal attack can occur.

Watering lavender in winter

In a pot cultivation, the lavender needs to be watered more regularly than outdoors. Pour Potted lavender In the cold months, however, only use moderately and make sure that excess water can drain off. In the garden bed, you should only provide your lavender with water when needed in winter, when the soil is frost-free and permeable. Otherwise, the roots could be damaged when the water in the soil freezes again due to the cold temperatures. More tips and tricks for being successful Wintering lavender can be found in our special article.

Tip from the professional: You should avoid mulching with lavender, because organic material stores water and can promote the formation of mold. A layer of pebbles or sand, which keeps the soil dry and at the same time provides additional warmth, is more suitable.

Pour the lavender in the pot

As already mentioned, a pot cultivation must be watered regularly, but still with care. It is best to ensure optimal pot drainage when planting by adding a layer Put drainage material - such as pebbles - in the pot and only above the soil to distribute. A drain hole on the underside and a matching saucer also allow excess irrigation water to drain off.

Pot the lavender
Sufficient drainage material helps avoid waterlogging in the pot [Photo: Robert Przybysz / Shutterstock.com]

When cultivating in a pot, the substrate should be kept moist, but never wet. It is best to only water when the top layer of soil has dried and make sure that no water runs into the coaster. If this does happen, you should remove the water from it as quickly as possible, because the Mediterranean subshrub tends to root rot when waterlogged.

More information about the Cutting, fertilizing and watering lavender can be found in our special care article.

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