Loquat growth: how fast does it grow?

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Loquat (Photinia fraseri 'Red Robin')

Table of Contents

  • Growth rate
  • An overview of the individual species
  • Regular grooming necessary
  • frequently asked Questions

If you are interested in a loquat, the speed of growth is an important factor in the selection. How fast the wood grows and what improves the vigor, you can find out in this article on the growth of the common loquat.

In a nutshell

  • fast growing
  • reach heights of growth of up to 4 meters
  • grow 20 to 60 cm annually
  • well tolerated by cutting
  • regular maintenance cuts necessary

Growth rate

Both Medlars it is the genus Photinia, of which 66 species are known. A special feature of the shrubs is the rapid growth, because they can significantly increase in material per year. It should be noted that the rate of growth can vary greatly from species to species. However, since all species grow quickly, the growth rate should be considered when purchasing a specimen. On average, the rose family (Rosaceae) grow 30 to 50 centimeters per year. Some taxa grow "only" 20 or 25 centimeters annually, while there are others that even gain a whopping 60 centimeters.

An overview of the individual species

A small overview of different species and their annual growth rate:

  • Japanese medlars (Photinia glabra): 20 to 40 cm
  • Laurel medlar (Photinia davidiana): 30 to 60 cm
  • Red medlars (Photinia fraseri): 30 to 50 cm
  • Saw-bladed medlar (Photinia serratifolia): 30 to 40 cm
Loquat laurel (Photinia davidiana)
laurelLoquat (Photinia davidiana)

Notice: Due to their rapid growth, medlars are ideal as a hedge or privacy screen. After a short time, the wood is high enough for these areas of application.

Regular grooming necessary

So that your loquat continues to grow every year, you must not forget the care cut. The fast growth rates can only be implemented in practice if the plant is not neglected. It is particularly important to have a pruning that gives the plants good vitality over the long term. Do not worry. The plants are easy to cut and grow back quickly. Here are a few things to keep in mind when cutting a loquat.

  1. The timing is important for the maintenance cut. So that you do not accidentally remove flower buds through the cut, you should only cut in the autumn after flowering. October is recommended, as you can expect from 1. March to 30th September after BNatSchG (Federal Nature Conservation Act) are not allowed to carry out major pruning measures. Put on a cloudy day with no direct sun or precipitation.
  2. Only manual, clean and sharp garden and hedge trimmers are used for cutting, as electrical devices would damage the large leaves of the loquat. Such injuries can slow down the growth of the common loquat.
  3. When cutting, the dead wood inside the crown is removed, as well as all shoots that grow across or outwards. They just rob the plants of energy unnecessarily. It is important to remove bare branches, as these have a negative effect on the vitality of the photo lines. If necessary, you can now adjust the height, width and shape of the medallion.
Loquat hedge

Tip: With the care cut, you can influence the shape of your loquat, so that it has the desired height and width over the long term. The annual increase also enables the problem-free repair of cuttings.

frequently asked Questions

What width do medlars reach?

As with the height, the width depends on the cultivated Photinia species. On average, the shrubs reach a width of up to two meters. Some species cross this limit. If medlars are planted as a hedge, the width is ideal. Lanterns do not spread too much, which makes annual pruning easier.

What is the limitation of growth?

The biggest problems for medlars are poor locations and improper irrigation. It is important that the plants do not receive too much or too little water so that they can sprout again every year. Furthermore, the cutting measures must not be missed. Without pruning care, the plants will bald.

How can the growth of the photinia be encouraged?

In addition to regular pruning, proper care and a supply of nutrients in spring are important. After pruning, the additional nutrients allow rapid growth over the next few months via a slow-release fertilizer such as ripe compost or suitable preparations. This is particularly recommended for hedges.

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