Lunar calendar 2021: place potatoes according to the moon

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Put potatoes according to the lunar calendar - title

table of contents

  • Background to the lunar calendar
  • Classification of plant groups
  • Classification of moon phases
  • Full and new moon
  • Important dates for potatoes
  • Special days for new potatoes
  • frequently asked Questions

Those who plant potatoes according to the lunar calendar expect a lot of success from it. This article tells you when exactly the right time is for this and what you need to be aware of.

In a nutshell

  • the earth's moon is said to have an impact on plant growth on earth
  • it depends on the zodiac signs, the elements and the plant groups
  • The meaning of the waxing, waning, ascending and descending moon
  • Relevant dates are also the new and full moons
  • The root days are particularly important for potatoes

Background to the lunar calendar

Zodiac signs play an important role in moon gardening. The earth's moon wanders through all twelve signs of the zodiac in the course of the month. If he is in one of the zodiac signs, he should direct its power to earth. Three zodiac signs are combined to form a trine and embody one element:

Put potatoes according to the moon
  • Leo, Aries, Sagittarius represent warmth
  • Virgo, Taurus, Capricorn represent earth
  • Libra, Gemini, Aquarius stand for light
  • Scorpio, Cancer, Pisces stand for water

Classification of plant groups

The four elements are each assigned to a part of the plant. Depending on which part of the plant is harvested or used, fruits, vegetables or flowers are assigned to one of these groups.

  • Heat to fruit (fruit and fruit vegetables)
  • Earth to root (bulbous plants, tuber vegetables, also potatoes)
  • Light for flowers and seeds (all flowers or vegetables for seed production)
  • Water to leaf (leafy vegetables, salads)

Classification of moon phases

In the lunar calendar, not only the new moon, waxing and waning moon and the full moon are important. There is also talk of the descending or ascending moon. This describes the position of the moon in the sky, not its visibility. Traditionally it is assumed that the earth inhales when the moon is descending and exhales when the moon ascends. This means that the plant sap is either retracted into the soil or is increasingly drawn into the foliage. For practical work, however, this also means that the best time to plant and sow has come when the moon is falling or waning. This applies equally to all plant groups, only on other days.

Put potatoes according to the lunar calendar

Full and new moon

These are special days in lunar calendars. On the new moon, work on the plants in the garden should stop completely, just like the power of the moon rests. These days are ideal for other work in the garden, such as moving compost, repairing fences or loosening the soil. The situation is different with a full moon, which is even more stimulating for plant growth.

Important dates for potatoes

Since potatoes belong to the root plants, they are interested in moon phases that fall under the zodiac signs of Virgo, Capricorn or Taurus. The best days to put potatoes are:

  • 1. to 3. March, only in warmer areas or for seed potatoes under glass or foil
  • 28. until 30. March
  • 27. until 29. April
  • 22. until 24. May, the latest time for Storage potatoes

Note: On the 28th. March and on 27. April is full moon, so planting potatoes is particularly worthwhile.

If it is not possible to plant the seed potatoes on these days, the following dates can also be considered. They are not quite as cheap for laying, but overall they are well suited for working on root vegetables.

  • 10. and 11. March, also only if the seed potatoes are protected
  • 6. to 7. April
  • 3. and 4. May

More root days, but with a waxing moon:

  • 19. until 21. March
  • 15. and 16. April
  • 12. to 15. May
Harvest potatoes

Special days for new potatoes

New potatoes aren't just called that because they can be planted early in the year. In fact, the name refers more to the speed with which the tubers are ready to be harvested. For new potatoes, this is 90 to 110 days. This means that new potatoes can be planted at any time as long as the first frost is still far away. It makes sense to put potatoes in July. In the lunar calendar, the following dates are still favorable after May:

  • 19. until 21. June
  • 16. until 18. July

Alternative dates:

  • 31. May and 1. June
  • 27. and 28. June
  • 6. till 8. July

From 9. until 11. June are root days, but on 10. June new moon, so they are not so cheap to put potatoes. The last possible time to lay the tubers is on the 25th. and 26. July, but with a waxing moon.

Note: Since it makes sense to also harvest the tubers on a root day, this should be taken into account when planting new potatoes late.

frequently asked Questions

What to do when you've missed the best time?

If it is not possible to plant potatoes even on the alternative days, there is still the option of to put all further maintenance and harvesting work on root days in order to increase the yield and health of the tubers strengthen.

Why are lunar calendars different?

Astronomical calendars are based on the true state of the zodiac, which changes over time. So they reflect the actual conditions in the sky. This means that some zodiac signs are valid for four days, while others are only valid for two days. Astrological calendars assume that all signs of the zodiac are the same size and do not change.

What is the significance of times in the lunar calendar?

Most lunar calendars not only indicate days, but also the times until when the earth's moon is favorable for the respective work. So if you take it very carefully, you have to comply with these times.

What is the meaning of the lunar calendar for potatoes?

If you focus exclusively on the root days, the tubers should grow better and healthier. In addition, the harvested stored potatoes keep longer.

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