The best tips for a healthy plant

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Which fertilizer is best suited for the Astilbe?

Thus the one from the family of the saxifrage plants (Saxifragaceae). astilbe Plentiful flowering, the element phosphorus must not be too scarce. When it comes to nitrogen, on the other hand, restraint is called for. The following fertilizers are best for them:

  • compost
  • horse manure
  • horn shavings
  • Long-term fertilizer from the trade
  • Nitrogen-Potassium-Phosphorus composition: 5-10-5 or 10-10-10

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In addition, Astilbe should get a thick layer of mulch to protect it from drying out. When it decomposes, it also provides valuable nutrients.

When is the best time to fertilize?

The spring months of April and May, immediately after Cut, are the best time to give the astilbe its annual ration of slow-release fertilizer. Because then the nutrient-depleting new shoot is imminent. A second fertilization during the Flowering time of the astilbe or in autumn can, but does not have to be. That depends on how nutrient rich the soil is Location already is. Just watch your plant, because the growth and quantity of flowers will show if it has all the elements.

How do I fertilize the astilbe correctly?

If there is a thick layer of mulch covering the soil around your astilbe, push it aside for fertilization. Under no circumstances should the fertilizer on the mulch(€27.00 at Amazon*) are given. After spreading, the fertilizer becomes superficial incorporated into the earth. But careful, um the roots of the astilbe not to hurt. After watering, you can redistribute the mulch over the root area.

How to fertilize astilbe in the pot?

One Astilbe in the pot is fertilized from April to September. Either evenly every 4 weeks with a liquid complete fertilizer, or in spring and July with a slow release fertilizer.

Does the astilbe need a lot of nutrients?

Any astilbe (magnificent piers), whether Chinese creeping splendor pier or erect Japanese spiers, needs a lot of nutrients. Because everyone Varieties of Astilbehave two things to do year after year: new ones in the spring sprouting, and in summer many panicles of flowers. Regular fertilization should therefore be preceded by fresh, nutrient-rich and humus-rich soil.


Moisture is the Astilbe's greatest need!

No question, Fertilize is an important maintenance point. However, when cultivating astilbe, sufficient and uninterrupted hydration is of far greater importance. When feasible, plant these perennials native to East Asia, Japan, or China along a stream or pond edge. But in any case in penumbra or shade where the soil cannot dry out too quickly.

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