Tomato Ruthje: cultivation, care & taste

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The tomato variety ˈRuthjeˈ is a new, biodynamic breed from this millennium. We present the stick tomato and give tips on how to grow it.

Ruthje tomatoes on the plant
The tomato variety ˈRuthjeˈ bears heart-shaped, medium-sized fruits

Not only old tomato varieties convince the hobby gardener, newer varieties from this millennium also inspire tomato lovers. In this profile you will learn everything about the young, German tomato variety ˈRuthjeˈ, its properties and the cultivation of the tomato.


  • Tomato ˈRuthjeˈ: profile
  • Origin and history of the tomato
  • Properties and taste of the ˈRuthjeˈ tomato variety
  • ˈRuthjeˈ: Tips for growing in greenhouses and outdoors
  • Tomato ˈRuthjeˈ: Care of the stick tomato
  • Harvesting and use of Ruthje tomatoes

Tomato ˈRuthjeˈ: profile

fruit lettuce tomato; Red
the taste fruity, very sweet
maturing time early
growth Stick tomato, up to 2 m
location Greenhouse, sheltered field, pot

Origin and history of the tomato

The tomato variety ˈRuthjeˈ is a biodynamic variation created by Ulrike Behrendt from Oldendorfer Saatzucht in Holste. The parents of this variety are a seedless cocktail tomato and a hybrid salad tomato that were crossed in 1996. The offspring were selected and stabilized in their characteristics until the publication of the ˈRuthjeˈ variety in 2008.

Properties and taste of the ˈRuthjeˈ tomato variety

The growth height of the Ruthje tomato is around two metres. The stake tomato forms strong plants and shoots, on which numerous flowers quickly form in clusters. The resulting fruits are about 3 - 5 cm in size and weigh 40 - 50 grams. They have a slight heart shape with a point and a deep red fruit color when fully ripe. The first tomatoes of this early-ripening variety ripen from mid to late July and can be harvested continuously until October. ˈRuthjeˈ is a high-yielding plant and inspires with the fruity and very sweet taste of its fruits. The ˈRuthjeˈ tomato is seed-firm and can therefore be propagated again from its own seeds. A detailed guide to Get tomato seeds yourself can be found in our special article.

Ruthje tomatoes on the bush
The many fruits of ˈRuthjeˈ also thrive outdoors and ripen as early as the end of July

ˈRuthjeˈ: Tips for growing in greenhouses and outdoors

The German breed is considered a robust tomato variety for protected cultivation. However, some experience with Ruthje tomatoes shows that they can also be cultivated well outdoors without protection. Compared to other varieties, it is comparatively robust here in humid summers compared to the Tomato late blight and brown blight (Phytophthora infestans). Overall, this strain is ideal for greenhouse, balcony, and outdoor cultivation. In good years, the tomato variety shows high yields and a high disease tolerance even without rain protection.
From the beginning of May you can plant Ruthje tomatoes in the greenhouse, from mid-May, after the last frosts, outdoors or in planters.

For pot culture on the terrace and balcony, it is important to use a nutrient-rich potting soil like ours Plantura tomato & vegetable soil recommended in organic quality. The nutrients it contains are adapted to the needs of tomatoes and other types of vegetables and provide them with optimal care in the initial period after planting.
When planting, you should plant the young tomato plants so deep that only half to a third of the plant is sticking out. Remove the leaves that are now too deep and fill the planting hole or the pot with substrate. Numerous new roots form along the subterranean stalk over the course of the summer. On the one hand, these give the plant support and, on the other hand, improve the absorption of water and nutrients.
After planting, support the 'Ruthje' with a stake and water vigorously.

Tomato ˈRuthjeˈ: Care of the stick tomato

Due to its strong shoots and small fruits, the 'Ruthje' stick tomato can be grown like a cocktail tomato with up to four main shoots. To do this, leave three deep-seated side shoots on the plant and regularly remove any other axillary shoots. Soon the lower shoots should be well supported and tied, just like the main shoot.

From mid-May to June the ˈRuthjeˈ starts flowering and fruiting. During this time, the need for nutrients increases sharply and the first fertilization should take place. An organic liquid fertilizer like ours Plantura Organic Tomato & Vegetable Fertilizer acts quickly and with little loss directly on the roots. It is added to the irrigation water about once a week in a dosage of 15 - 25 ml per 5 l and applied when watering. Like all tomato plants, 'Ruthje' is dependent on an adequate water supply. Water your plants especially in the morning so that the water can be used as efficiently as possible.

Harvesting and use of Ruthje tomatoes

The first heart-shaped fruits of the ˈRuthjeˈ tomato variety can be harvested from mid to late July, making it one of the earliest varieties in the garden. Due to their handy size, the sugar-sweet fruits are ideal as a sweet tomato straight from the vine or cut up in salads. The fruity taste comes into its own when boiled down as ketchup or sauce. Once the fruit has been harvested, it stays fresh for a long time and still ripens well at the end of the season. More tips about Preserve tomatoes can be found in our special article.

Another robust and seed-resistant variant, which is also ideal for beginners, is the tomato variety ˈBlack Plumˈ. We present the plum tomato in a portrait and show how the cultivation succeeds.

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