Lawn: this is how you speed up the germination of the seeds

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Speed ​​up lawn germination

table of contents

  • Germination time and requirements
  • Cover with foil
  • Why cover?
  • Cover properly
  • Pre-germination of the seeds
  • Does pre-germination make sense?

In the meantime, it is good form that every garden in this country has an area race is created. Some factors are important, such as the germination time. Everything about this and to shorten it below.

Germination time and requirements

Anyone who wants to create a lawn in their garden knows that a little patience is necessary for a good result. In addition to thorough soil preparation and correct sowing, the germination time also plays a decisive role. This can take between 7 and 21 days until the lawn seeds finally germinate. The duration depends on various factors such as

Lawn seeds
Lawn seeds
  • Quality of semen
  • oxygen present in the soil
  • important for root formation
  • high air and soil moisture
  • Floor temperature of at least 10 ° C
  • ideal sowing date April / May or August / September

At this point in time, the seed does not yet have to be supplied with nutrients from the outside. However, it is important to have water and adequate moisture, as this can cause the lawn seeds to swell. Meanwhile, the enzyme diastase converts starch into sugar. Then germination can begin and the stored nutrients are available to the seedling. Only after the seeds have germinated and the first roots have formed are the seedlings dependent on nutrients from the soil. If necessary, a starter fertilizer can be administered there. Regardless of this, there are ways to accelerate germination, whether this makes sense in any case is an open question.

Note: The individual lawn seeds of a seed mix germinate very differently, as this is made up of different types of lawn. Furthermore, the trade offers so-called cheap mixtures and more expensive, but high-quality lawn mixtures. As a rule, the cheaper variety germinates faster, but the result sometimes leaves something to be desired.

Cover with foil

Remove lawn foil

In order to accelerate, i.e. shorten, the germination time of lawn seeds, all the factors already mentioned must be present for successful germination. However, the weather can not always play along here. Strong temperature fluctuations and inconsistent precipitation can quickly affect the duration of germination. Covering the sowing area with foil can help here and accelerate the germination of the seeds. Should use

  • special growth film or
  • alternatively transparent plastic foils

Find. In any case, the foils used must

  • translucent
  • permeable to water and
  • be air permeable.

Why cover?

By covering the area with foil, a kind of "greenhouse climate" is created through the sun's rays underneath, which allows the lawn seeds to germinate more quickly. The slide offers

Fertilize the lawn
  • Protection against dehydration by wind and sun
  • Soil remains evenly moist
  • Protection from heavy rain
  • thereby protection against the seeds being washed away
  • faster heating of the soil
  • even distribution of the seeds
  • Protection against entering the area
  • Protection against bird damage

This method is quite simple, but very effective in speeding up the germination time.

Cover properly

Before the tarpaulin is stretched over the lawn in question, a few things have to be done:

  • Roughen the soil thoroughly before sowing
  • ideal use of a tiller
  • Sow seeds evenly
  • no deeper than 1 cm
  • thereby increasing the germination rate
  • Lightly roll the lawn seeds
  • this creates good ground contact
  • Thoroughly water the surface
  • do not soak completely
  • then spread the tarpaulin flat on the ground
  • Lanes should overlap by at least 30 cm
  • fix foil strips on the sides
  • use of stones or wooden boards for this purpose
Prepare the lawn for sowing afterwards

The film must not lie flat on the floor, because the seedlings need space to grow. The overlapping of the film webs is necessary so that the partial areas cannot be covered in strong wind or rain. Otherwise the seeds can easily float away and the result will be poor germination.

Note: The foil must not serve as a cover for too long. It should be removed when the first roots are firmly anchored in the ground. The plants now need enough oxygen, enough air for their development.

Pre-germination of the seeds

This is a method to increase the germination capacity and also the resistance. Here, too, various requirements are necessary, such as

  • sufficient oxygen, air
  • Warmth and
  • according to humidity

If these factors are met, germination can begin:

  • Spread kitchen paper on a baking sheet
  • sprinkle with water
  • The cloth should be damp, but not wet
  • Spread the seeds evenly
  • Avoid overlapping
  • Installation in a warm place
  • Windowsill is ideal
  • Avoid drafts
  • regular control of humidity
  • spray with a spray bottle if necessary
  • Use of warm water
Lawn germination

Note: The seeds do not tolerate drought. The seeds can die off quickly.

The germination of the seeds can be influenced again by covering with a transparent film. In this case, the seed tray can also be in a slightly cooler place, for example in the winter garden. In any case, the lawn seeds must not remain in this way for more than five days. As soon as the first roots have formed, they need contact with the ground in order to supply themselves with nutrients. In principle, the seedlings can then be moved to their intended place.

Note: A lawn mix always consists of different types of grass, which also have different germination times. If the pre-germination is too long, there is a possibility that one type of grass has already died and another is still just germinating.

Does pre-germination make sense?

In principle, it makes sense to pre-germinate seeds for other types of plants. But normally the pre-germination takes place Lawn seeds not really an acceleration of the germination time. In principle, it is only a matter of bringing forward the respective germination process. This is largely completed before the sowing has taken place. However, this method is also advantageous, because it allows the lawn to grow faster. The area is greened earlier than with normal sowing. However, it must be stated that the pre-germination of a new lawn area is very time-consuming and therefore does not really make sense. It should be noted that countless seedlings are required for a normal area. Here the effort would be much greater than with a completely normal sowing.

The situation is different with overseeding when gaps have to be closed on a lawn. Pre-germination is ideal for this.

Note: So-called turbo overseeding is available in stores. Thanks to a germination accelerator, the germination time can be brought forward by 30 percent. The first plants are visible after just seven days. These seeds are great for repairing gaps.

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