Fertilize raspberries: when, how and with what?

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Whether mulch, compost or organic fertilizer - we will tell you when, how and with what you best fertilize your raspberries.

Raspberry bush in the garden
Raspberries have enormous growth and therefore need a lot of nutrients [Photo: Wolf_139/ Shutterstock.com]

Those who expect a bountiful harvest should have theirs raspberries (Rubus idaeus) not only cut regularly and water when dry, but also provide them with sufficient nutrients. The raspberry is very vigorous and therefore has a relatively high need for nutrients. In this article, we will explain when, how and with what the best way to fertilize your raspberries.


  • Right time to fertilize the raspberries
  • The right fertilizer for raspberries
    • Fertilizing raspberries organically: instructions for ideal application
    • Fertilize raspberries with minerals
    • Fertilize raspberries with coffee grounds and co

Right time to fertilize the raspberries

In principle, raspberries need the most nutrients during flowering until harvest. Since organic fertilizers only release them slowly, they have to be applied some time before flowering begins. This is the only way that the nutrients are available to the raspberries a few weeks later. Sometimes with raspberries, just like with strawberries, a first application of fertilizer in the fall is recommended. However, when it gets warm again in autumn, premature, unwanted nitrogen release can occur. This endangers the winter hardiness of the raspberries. We therefore advise against autumn fertilization and recommend it, provided the weather conditions allow allow a first fertilization in early spring (March) and a further fertilization before the start of flowering (April May). It is best to use organic long-term fertilizers for this, such as our Plantura

Organic universal fertilizer. This is particularly gentle on the environment and provides your raspberries with long-term nutrients through slow decomposition of the fertilizer granules.

Young raspberry branch in spring
The first fertilization with organic slow-release fertilizer should be done early in spring [Photo: TYNZA/ Shutterstock.com]

Fertilize raspberries when planting

When planting, you should put a generous amount of compost in the planting hole before you plant plant raspberry. If the topsoil is heavy, the plant is completely covered with compost and the topsoil is used for other purposes. The compost soil meets the soil requirements of the raspberries in terms of water permeability and root penetration better than heavy soil. A medium-heavy or sandy soil is mixed with compost. In addition, can still easily with a organic fertilizer be fertilized if the planting does not take place too late in autumn. After planting, you should cover the ground with some green clippings. This reduces moisture loss from the root of the raspberry.

Summary: when to fertilize raspberries?

  • Improve poor soil with compost
  • When planting some organic long-term fertilizer like ours Plantura organic universal fertilizer incorporate
  • Annual basic fertilization in spring (March)
  • Second fertilization for flowering and fruit formation (April/May)
young raspberry from above
In order to provide the plant with nutrients, compost is added to the planting hole when planting [Photo: Elena Hramova/ Shutterstock.com]

The right fertilizer for raspberries

There are different ways to fertilize your raspberries organic fertilizers as well as mineral fertilizers and natural fertilizers. We will explain what you need to consider when choosing fertilizer and how best to proceed with fertilization.

Fertilizing raspberries organically: instructions for ideal application

Who composts in their own garden and enough compost available does not need to think long about how to fertilize its raspberries. Compost and decomposed manure cover the raspberries' nutritional needs and are ideal for improving the soil over the long term. If you don't have access to your own garden compost, but you have plenty of space, you can plant clover instead of lawn in part of the garden. The clover is then mowed regularly, just like the lawn, and the resulting mulch is placed on the ground next to the raspberry canes. There the clover mulch rots and gradually releases the nutrients it contains. In addition to fertilization, mulch, like compost, improves the soil structure and helps the soil dry out less quickly.

Mulch raspberries
In addition to fertilization, mulch, like compost, improves the soil structure of the raspberries [Photo: Eag1eEyes/ Shutterstock.com]

Allotment gardeners without their own compost heap and green manure options can also use organic commercial fertilizers. Fertilizers in granular form usually have a better long-term effect and are therefore preferable to liquid fertilizers. They also have many advantages when fertilizing raspberries, such as:

  • Long-term nutrient supply of the raspberry bushes through ongoing decomposition of microorganisms in the soil
  • Promotion of an active soil life and sustainable improvement of the soil structure
  • Gentle on people, pets and garden animals by not using chemicals
raspberry plants
Organic long-term fertilizers provide the raspberries with the nutrients they need in a sustainable manner

Our Plantura organic universal fertilizer consists for the most part of organic, plant-based raw materials and fully meets the specified criteria. The nutrient composition of the fertilizer is ideal for berry bushes. A high proportion of nitrogen supports plant growth and leaf formation, especially in spring. During the vegetation period, sufficient phosphorus and potassium also ensure rich flowering and fruiting. The production of the fertilizer from residues from the food, feed and semi-luxury food industry is also particularly sustainable and resource-saving.

Organic long-term fertilization: Instructions and dosage amounts for raspberries

  1. Before planting: 80 – 160 g/m² (6 to 13 heaped tablespoons) of our Plantura Organic universal fertilizer Work into the top layers of soil
  2. Water the raspberry bush used well so that the granules can dissolve
  3. Fertilize 60 - 120 g per plant (5 to 10 tablespoons) every spring (from March).
  4. A smaller dose of fertilizer for flowering and fruit formation supports your raspberry again optimally

Fertilize raspberries with minerals

blue grain, liquid fertilizer and Co. are popular mineral compound fertilizers, which are also often used for berries. These contain very high concentrations of nutrient salts that can be directly absorbed by the plants from the soil solution. However, the high nutrient content and rapid release can easily lead to over-fertilization of plants. The leaching of excess nutrients into deeper soil layers then leads to contamination of the groundwater. Organic Fertilizers In comparison, they are decomposed by the microorganisms in the soil over a longer period of time and only gradually release the nutrients for the plant.

Fertilize raspberries with minerals
The rapid release of nutrients in mineral fertilizers can easily lead to over-fertilization [Photo: Vitalii Marchenko/ Shutterstock.com]

Fertilize raspberries with coffee grounds and co

In addition to organic and mineral fertilizers, there are various home remedies that can be used to fertilize the garden. Many hobby gardeners swear by the use of plant manure as a tonic and use it in their own garden. Nettle manure, for example, contains plenty of nitrogen, potassium and various trace elements. After the fermentation is complete, you can dilute the manure with water in a ratio of 1:10 and water the plant with it. Another natural fertilizer found in almost every home is coffee grounds. The actual waste product is rich in nitrogen and can be sprinkled around your raspberry bushes in dried form. However, coffee grounds should only be used as fertilizer in moderation, as their acidity lowers the pH of the soil over time.

In addition to fertilizing, other care measures are important for a rich raspberry harvest. You can find ours here 10 tips for delicious home-grown raspberries.

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