Planting & caring for Elatior Begonia

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Caring for and planting Elatior begonias properly: expert tips for beautiful room begonias with information on the most beautiful varieties.

Elatior Begonia in the garden
The beautiful Elatior begonias are particularly popular as houseplants. [Photo: Joy Baldassarre/]

Elatior Begonias (begonia x hiemalis) are unbeatably likeable roommates. They flower all year round and all they really want in return is a nice place to hang out, water and the occasional fertilizer. Unfortunately, they are often not thanked for this frugality, because many of the begonias (begonia) end up in the compost after the first flowering in winter. But the plant is perennial and, with proper care, will produce numerous flowers again next year.


  • Elatior begonias: origin and characteristics
  • The most beautiful varieties of Elatior begonia
  • Buy Elatior Begonias
  • Plant elatior begonias in pots
  • Caring for elatior begonias

Elatior begonias: origin and characteristics

As a group of hybrids, Elatior begonias aren't actually a true species. Four species of begonia are the ancestors of the Elatior begonias:

Begonia socotrana, Begonia veitchii, Begonia boliviensis and Begonia rosaeflora. Each of the four has immortalized something of themselves in the Elatior Begonia. Sometimes this piece is larger, sometimes smaller, because not every Elatior begonia variety was bred in equal proportions from these original species. What Elatior begonias have in common, however, is that they bloom beautifully. The flowers in a wide variety of colors grow in clusters together. Overall, the plants grow up to 40 centimeters tall, but have a rather compact habit.

The most beautiful varieties of Elatior begonia

Each of the Elatior begonias is different, descending from the four ancestral species in different proportions. Even if one variety has all four original species as grandparents, it is possible that another variety also descends from all four species, but the proportion of one species predominates in genetics. This results in a literally colorful variety of Elatior begonias.

Elatior Begonias in different colors
The colorful variety of Elatior begonias makes it difficult to decide which variety to choose [Photo: Christopher PB/]

Beautiful Varieties of Elatior Begonia:

  • 'Clara': This variety bears double flowers of brilliant white
  • 'Camilla': The single flowers of 'Camilla' appear in beautiful shades of pink
  • 'Barkos': The variety is considered one of the most beautiful among the Elatior begonias and has deep red colored and double flowers
  • 'Yellow Stone': With its intense yellow flowers, the 'Yellow Stone' variety brings variety to the rather white-pink-red world of begonias
  • 'Carnival': The double flowers are a real eye-catcher with their deep yellow inside and intense red outside

In addition to the Elatior begonias, numerous other species belong to the genus of begonias. interesting Begonia species see this article.

Buy Elatior Begonias

Choose a vigorous and healthy-looking plant. If you want to enjoy the begonia for a long time, you should also watch out for signs of too fast growth. Tall begonias are susceptible. In order to rule out an infestation with fungi, you should check the selected begonia again carefully before buying it, especially mildew (Erysiphaceae) inspect. More tips about Purchase of begonias we have prepared for you here.

Elatior begonias at the florist
Elatior begonias are available in a wide variety at most flower shops [Photo: Kristi Blokhin/]

Plant elatior begonias in pots

Elatior begonias are mainly offered in spring - which is also ideal because this is the right time for transplanting. In principle, the plants should be kept in a pot, as they are very sensitive to cold.

Be sure to use a flower pot with a drainage hole for planting to prevent waterlogging. As an extra measure, you can put a few pebbles on the bottom of the pot to help drain excess water. Nutrient-rich soil such as our peat-free soil serves as the substrate Plantura organic potting soil.

Before planting, loosen the root ball slightly so that the plant can root more quickly in the new pot. Now pot the begonia with the help of the soil and then press the whole thing down lightly. Water a little and the Elatior begonia is ready to be planted. You only need to repot the plant every few years to refresh the soil and possibly give it a little more space.

Everything else about Planting Begonias find out here.

Caring for elatior begonias

They love temperatures between 16 and 22°C, which is why Elatior begonias don't do well outdoors either. A place in the apartment is just right for them. These temperatures are also optimal over the winter, because as tropical plants, these begonias are used to constant temperatures throughout the year. Place the beautiful plant in a bright place out of direct sunlight. Withered flowers should be removed regularly. This not only helps the aesthetics, but also prevents infestation with fungi. Elatior begonias need a lot of nutrients. An organo-mineral fertilizer like ours Plantura organic flower fertilizer is exactly the right thing. This type of fertilization has a pronounced long-term effect and also contains nutrients that are readily available.

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