Repel ants from dahlias

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How do I remove ants from dahlias?

ants on dahlias are not fundamentally harmful, but can indicate aphid infestation. To drive away ants, plant herbs such as thyme, chervil or lavender, sprinkle with cinnamon or algae lime and eliminate aphids with soft soap solution.

Do ants on dahlias damage the plant?

As beneficial insects, ants also bring Advantages for Plant. As long as they move around the ground cleaning up yard debris or the ants devour caterpillars on the leaves of the plant, ants on dahlias are quite a good thing. However, as soon as a whole ant nest settles under the plant or ant streets dahlia form, you should react.

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What do many ants on dahlias indicate?

Excessive influx of ants on dahlias is often a signal for aphid infestation. You can find out whether the pests are up to mischief on the dahlias by looking at the leaves of the flower. Are these covered in a sticky residue? Then it's honeydew. This is excreted by the louse. Ants feed on this excrement. They milk aphids and protect you from enemies like

ladybugs. As a result, the aphids continue to spread. The sticking of the leaves favors diseases.

What do I do against aphids on dahlias?

Clean the affected dahlias with a soft soap solution. How to get rid of the aphids and thus also the cause of the ants on the dahlias:

  1. Spray plants with a jet of water.
  2. Prepare soft soap solution with some neem oil.
  3. Spray several times over plants.

If you use this aphid control method for about three weeks, the pests will go away.

How to drive ants away from dahlias?

Make yourself the scent of herbal plants, essential oils and certain spices use or spread algae lime. If you do the following Herbs If you plant them next to the dahlias or place them in a flower pot or tub in the bed, an unpleasant smell will spread around the area for the ants.

  • thyme
  • chervil
  • lavender

You can also sprinkle cinnamon or alkaline substances such as algae lime on the ants' paths. Lime neutralizes formic acid and is therefore not crossed by ants.

What remedies do I use against ants on dahlias?

Use the proven ones home remedies. They work efficiently and have no disadvantages for your garden. If you use pesticides against the animals instead, you spread harmful substances in your garden. Some gardeners also put Baking soda against ants a. This is only an emergency solution. Baking soda is deadly. In addition, baking soda flies away quickly or is washed away. In this respect it is not sustainable control agents against the ants.


Relocate ant nests with clay pot

You can cover a smaller ant nest with a clay pot. Fill this with wood shavings, then put it over the nest and cover the drainage hole with a stone. After a week, slide a spade under the pot and settle the animals complete with this order.

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