Pale leaf color in aloe vera is normal and nothing to worry about. It is often caused by sun exposure or the natural aging process, where old leaves die off to make room for new leaves.
Is pale leaf color normal for aloe vera?
A dull or pale green leaf color is in aloe vera not uncommon. If leaves have been on the plant for some time or a lot Sun have gotten, they often become a little pale. From the tip of the leaf, the succulent quickly looks quite pale. In addition, the natural leaf color of this plant is not as lush green as some other plants. As long as you don't see any other unusual changes, pale leaf color isn't a big deal.
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Do aloe vera leaves turn pale after cold?
In the case of aloe vera, cold leads to too much stronger changes than just too pale leaves. The plant comes from warm regions. She tolerates neither frost still cold temperatures and should be kept in a room temperature location year round. If the plant gets cold, the foliage will first turn glassy, then darken and eventually die. Note that waterlogging can also lead to such changes and browning of the leaves. Check the substrate to be sure.
What do I do when old aloe vera leaves turn pale?
Because it is a natural aging process acts, you must not react. The aloe vera pulls in the old lower leaves and leaves them over time die. In this way, the plant makes room for new leaves. Just let the natural process of change take its course. As long as you take care of the aloe vera properly and in the right way Location Once you have set it up, you will soon see the growth of new leaves with a beautiful colour.
Use fresh leaves for medicinal purposes!
Would you like to use the gel made from aloe vera leaves to treat your skin or minor injuries? Then use as healthy and fresh leaves as possible. Pale and old leaves no longer hold as much moisture as fresh ones.