The cornel as a magnet for bees

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Why are Cornelian cherries valuable for bees?

The cornel (Cornus mas) is very valuable for bees because its golden yellow flowers are rich in pollen and nectar. The flowering time is from the end of February to March, so it is one of the first nectar-giving trees for bees.

Are cornel cherries valuable for bees?

cornel cherries are exceedingly valuable for bees. In contrast to forsythia, which also produces numerous yellow flowers, the cornel is not useless to the bees. She is a real sweetheart. The flowers are richly equipped with pollen and also soaked with lots of nectar. The nectar in particular makes the blossoms of the cornel so important for the bees, since there are hardly any other nectar-giving wild trees in bloom during the flowering period.

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  • cornel-birds
  • Cornus without flowers
  • forsythia alternative
  • Cornus location
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  • Cornus Hedge
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When can bees feast on the blossoms of the cornelian cherry?

The bees can partially already End of February Expect the blossoms of the cornelian cherry. This makes Cornus mas one of the first flowering trees of the year. In rough locations, the flowers do not appear until March. But the wait is worth it: the flowers can be kept for up to 5 weeks. They form a veritable feast for the bees, which at this time of the year, famished, buzz out into the world from the meager hibernation.

Which varieties of cornelian cherry are plentiful?

Among the most blooming Cornelian cherry varieties belong 'yellow', 'Kazanlak' and 'Jolico'. In addition, the lesser-known varieties 'Golden Glory' and 'Jantarnyj' also have plenty of flowers to offer bees.

All of the varieties mentioned present their flowers before the leaves of the cornelian cherry emerge. Honeybees and wild bees are almost lured by their numerous golden yellow radiant and still honey-scented blossoms.
However, in order for these members of the dogwood family to bloom lavishly, they need a sunny day Location.

How do cornelian cherries have to be cared for so that they bloom profusely?

If the flowers said goodbye have come, a good time has come to lightly cut the cornel cut. As a result, it has fewer fruits in late summer. But it branches better and brings out many flowers every spring. If, on the other hand, you cut the cornus in autumn, the bees would not be able to enjoy the flowers in spring because the flower buds were removed by the late pruning. Remember: the flowers form on the one-year-old shoots.

How do I create a bee pasture with the Cornelian cherry?

You can eat the cornel as a Hedge or part of a hedge plant. It would be perfect if you put them together with other wild trees combine so that there is variety for the bees and other animals can also eat their fill of the plants. Wild trees such as service pear, hazelnut, wild rose, sea buckthorn and aronia in the vicinity of the cornelian cherry.


Better cornel than forsythia

You always make a better choice if you plant a cornel instead of a forsythia, which is of little use to insects and birds. This also produces beautiful yellow flowers, can be used as a hedge and offers plenty of food for the birds even in late summer.

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