How to reap and sow them

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When and how to sow liver balm seeds?

Liver Balsam seeds ripen at the end of July and can be used for propagation. Sow the seeds in spring (mid-February) in a seed tray potting soil out of. Pay attention to ideal germination temperatures of 28 °C and plant the young seedlings outdoors after the ice saints.

When do liver balm seeds ripen?

The first seeds from liver balm tires end of July out of. Have you cut off the wilted flowers before seed formation to save the flowering period in favor of the bees to extend? Then the formation of the seeds shifts. It usually takes about 4 weeks for the liver balsam blossoms to develop into ripe infructescences.

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Is it recommended to harvest liver balm seeds?

If you already liver balm have in the garden, you can harvest the seeds and thus money save and on the other hand possibly completely new varieties receive. However, make sure that the seeds are fully ripe when harvested and can be easily detached from the infructescence. Caution: The seeds are poisonous. So keep them away from children and pets!

When and where are the seeds of liver balm sown?

The ideal time for the sowing of Ageratum houstonianum is against in spring in the middle of February came. The seeds are in the Apartment sown because they need a lot of heat to germinate due to their Mexican origin. Alternatively, you can sow them outdoors after the ice saints. Then the liver balm will bloom much later.

In what and how do you sow the seeds of liver balm correctly?

First, fill out a seed tray with nutrient-poor potting soil. The seeds of the liver balm are carefully and evenly distributed on the soil pressed. They are light germs. Therefore, you should not cover them with soil. You can now moisten the seed with a spray bottle. It is then advisable to cover the seed tray with a cover or foil to prevent the soil and seeds from drying out.

What is the best way to germinate liver balm seeds?

At a temperature of 28ºC the seeds germinate best. If you can't offer them that, a normal room temperature of 20 to 23 °C is sufficient. Then the germination of the seeds takes a little longer. The average germination period is 8 to 14 days.

What is important after the seeds have germinated?

The young plants should still not the direct Sun be exposed and evenly moist being held.

After about 4 weeks you can prick out the little plants and plant them in pots. They shouldn't be on their final dates until May Location move outdoors as they are very sensitive to frost. Depending on the growth width, the distance between the individual plants should be at least 20 cm at the location in the bed or in the balcony box.


Stronger plants through early sowing

To ensure that your liver balm grows vigorously in summer, you should preferably sow it at home and prefer it over the months up to May. In addition, experience has shown that liver balm flowers more richly the earlier it is sown.