Peyotl cactus, Lophophora williamsii

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Peyotl cactus (Lophophora williamsii)
Source: resident1 from Roma, Italy, Lophophora williamsii (51247791585), Edited by Home Garden, CC BY 2.0

Table of contents

  • Location
  • substrate
  • Pour
  • Fertilize
  • hibernate
  • repot
  • Graft
  • propagation
  • diseases, pests
  • Editor's conclusion
  • Worth knowing about the Schnapskopf shortly
  • plant substrate
  • watering and fertilizing
  • hibernate
  • propagation
  • diseases and pests

Only hairy tufts grow out of the areoles of the peyotl cactus. The species appear green, round with deep furrows and without thorns Lophophora williamsii really exotic among all her thorny family members. A pink to red, sometimes whitish-yellow flower with a diameter of 1-2 cm sprout from the center. The Lophophora genus originally comes from northern Mexico and southern North America. There are two species: the Lophophora williamsii and the Lophophora diffusa.

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Of course, the Peyotl cactus also loves the sun. Therefore, he must be given a sunny spot on the windowsill. In the summer he likes to be outdoors. There he should be protected from rain and wind. In the first days of the move, from the winter quarters to the fresh air, it first needs a transitional period in which it slowly gets used to the sun's rays. A summer temperature of 20 °C and above is ideal for indoors and outdoors. It grows best when it is significantly cooler (10-15 °C) but bright in winter.


Those who use cactus soil are on the safe side. The Peyotl needs a loamy-mineral substrate with an admixture of sand or pumice. Good permeability for water and a high mineral content of the substrate are important.


As with all cacti, Lophophora williamsii should be watered too little rather than too much. It doesn't hurt if the soil dries out completely. In the growth phase, however, it should not be completely dry. If the substrate feels dry, it can be watered vigorously and penetratingly. However, no water should remain in the bowl. To avoid rotten spots in furrows and between the buttons, you can soak it in a bowl of water until the moisture rises to the top. In winter it can be left to dry, 2-3 small waterings are sufficient during this time.


Every 6 to 8 weeks the Peyotl tolerates weak fertilizer applications. However, only during its growth phase in spring and summer. It is best to add liquid cactus fertilizer (NPK 3+5+7) to the irrigation water. But any other liquid fertilizer is also suitable in which the proportion of phosphorus and potassium is approximately the same and the proportion of nitrogen is lower in relation to this.


Geranium fertilizer (NPK 4+6+8), for example, also has a composition that is favorable for cacti. Basically, when using fertilizers other than cactus fertilizers, only use a quarter of the specified dose.


Of course, the types of Lophophora williamsii are not hardy either. They are either cultivated indoors as a houseplant all year round or they spend the summer outdoors. Then they have to be brought to a winter quarters from September. A healthy and flowering behavior of the Peyotl species depends significantly on the environmental conditions during the dormant period. He likes it best bright, frost-free, but still quite cool, around 10 °C is ideal. If these temperatures can be guaranteed, it requires almost no water. As a rule of thumb for watering in winter, the colder it is (not below 2 °C), the less water it needs.


The Peyotl has so-called beet roots and therefore needs high vessels. Repotting is done in the spring when the pot is well rooted. When repotting, care must be taken not to damage the roots. Shake off the old substrate well and place the new pot with a diameter of approx. Choose 2 cm larger.


The Lophophora williamsii species are also good for grafting. Grafting is a type of grafting. The Lophophora belong to the slow-growing cacti. By grafting onto fast-growing cactus species, e.g. B. the Pereskiopsis spathulata, after some time the growth rate is transferred to the plug, in this case the Peyotl. One therefore also speaks of ungrafted Peyotl and not ungrafted, just grafted, Peyotl.


A vegetative and generative propagation is possible. When propagating vegetatively, cut the Peyotl cactus just above the root. After a relatively short time, new heads emerge from the cut surface. The cut head forms new roots in a nutrient-poor, sandy substrate. Another option, if available, is to cut off a smaller head of the mother plant and root it in a sandy substrate. This stimulates the stem Peyotl to expel new heads.

For generative propagation, through seeds, you need a lot of staying power. To do this, the seeds are placed in a, if possible germ-free, moist mixture of earth, sand, perlite and gravel for approx. double seed size deeply pressed. A favorable almost 100% humidity can be achieved with a translucent cover. The temperature should be around 23 °C permanently. So they start to germinate within 14 days. The seedlings can be planted after approx. Gradually get used to some sunlight after about 3 months, but should only expose them to full sunlight after a year.


Cover the seed with bird sand or very fine sand and spray with a horsetail extract mixture. The latter is a good precaution against fungal attack, because in the beginning the substrate must be kept very moist and warm.

diseases, pests

If not properly cared for, scale insects, mealybugs or root lice can attack Lophophora williamsii. It is therefore always important to regularly check the cactus for pests or external abnormalities. In the early stages, the pests can still be collected or sprayed off. Later, only removing the affected parts helps, or in an advanced stage, disposing of the whole cactus. It is very important to place the infested plant separately. The following mixture has proven itself for brushing the affected, mostly inaccessible areas in the furrows:

  • 1 liter of water
  • 20 milliliters of alcohol
  • 15 milliliters of neutral soft soap

Spray the cactus dripping wet with this solution every 2-3 days. Poor drainage or overwatering can also lead to root rot. Only if you notice it early enough, at the first sign of a poor general condition, can you counteract this with longer drying times.


legal position

The Peyotl cactus contains a not inconsiderable amount of the alkaloid mescaline. Mescaline is a psychedelic and hallucinogenic alkaloid. This active ingredient falls under the Narcotics Act. It is no coincidence that this type of cactus plays an important cultural and ritual role among the shamans of northern Mexico. The use of alkaloids from the Peyotl cactus is prohibited in Germany. Likewise, of course, the breeding of Lophophora williamsii in order to gain drugs from it. However, the acquisition of this cactus species and its seeds is without legal restrictions in Germany.

Editor's conclusion

They are truly extraordinary, the bare, ridged heads of the peyotl cactus. And especially pretty when they come into bloom. With the often numerous children he trains, it is relatively easy to raise offspring. As with other cactus species, when it comes to watering and fertilizing the Lophophora williamsii: less is more.

Worth knowing about the Schnapskopf shortly


  • The Schnapskopf is a small, soft-fleshed cactus without thorns.
  • It has a hemispherical shape, reaches a diameter of 8 to 15 cm and always looks slightly crumpled.
  • What is special about the peyotl cactus is that it contains psychoactive substances that can cause intoxication and hallucinations.
  • The ancient Indians were already familiar with this effect and used it in a targeted manner.
  • Schnapskopf contains about 50 different alkaloids, e.g. B. the hallucinogenic mescaline, from which the name of the cactus comes.
  • The peyotl cactus is native to Mexico and can also be found in Texas.
  • Small pink flowers appear in spring through summer.
  • The Schnapskopf is one of the slowest growing cacti in the world. That's why it's quite expensive when you buy it.
  • Seeds are significantly cheaper, but it takes years to recognize a real cactus.


  • The Schnapskopf needs a lot of light. He prefers to stand on a sunny window sill and be warm all year round. He does not tolerate frost.
  • In summer it can also stand outside, but in the sun with sun protection, always nice and warm.
  • As soon as the temperature falls below 10˚C, the cactus must be put away.

plant substrate

  • Normal is suitable as a plant substrate cactus soil. In order for the water to drain well, you should mix in sand.
  • Connoisseurs of the small cactus recommend a nutritious mineral and loamy soil.

watering and fertilizing

  • It is best to pour from below. Place the planter in a saucer with water and let the soil soak up the water.
  • The remaining water must be removed. waterlogging is absolutely harmful for the sensitive root neck.
  • Only water again when the substrate has dried out.
  • It is ideal to use lime-free water for watering.
  • Fertilize every three to four weeks with conventional cactus fertilizer.


  • The Peyotl is overwintered cactus warm, not below 10˚C.
  • There is hardly any watering, but the substrate should not dry out completely.


  • Schnapskopf is quite easy to grow from seed. Cultivation is possible all year round.
  • You use potting soil, which you mix in about ¼ fine sand.
  • The soil must not be too coarse, otherwise the small seeds will slip through and fall too deep.
  • The soil mixture is slightly moistened. The best way to do this is to use a water sprayer.
  • You simply sprinkle the seeds on the ground. They are light germinators and are not covered with soil.
  • High temperatures of 16 to 25 ˚C and high humidity are important for germination.
  • The seed tray is covered with foil or a glass plate so that the moisture is retained.
  • It is important that you do not put the seedlings in the sun.
  • The small cacti grow slowly for about a year.
  • Then they can be transplanted into normal cactus soil.

diseases and pests

  • Diseases are rare.
  • As pests can Mealybug and also scale insects appear.
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