Tree hazel, Corylus colurna

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Tree hazel (Corylus colurna)

Table of contents

  • Characteristics
  • Location
  • Floor
  • fertilizing and watering
  • pruning
  • hibernate
  • diseases and pests
  • frequently asked Questions
  • Worth knowing about the tree hazel shortly

The tree hazel is not to be confused with the common hazel, because the tree hazel originally comes from south-eastern Europe and is widespread in the Himalayan region. Visually, the two species hardly differ in this country, you can only see a difference in the fruits. The tree hazel has significantly more fruit, but these are surrounded by a much harder shell. It is usually not planted in the garden as a tree for the nut harvest, but only for decoration, since the removal of the fruit is too time-consuming. Like its native relatives, the tree hazel makes few demands on its location, only a regular pruning is required so that the hazel does not grow uncontrolled spreads.

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  • German name: tree hazel
  • Scientific name: Corylus colurna
  • Family: Birch family (Betulaceae)
  • Genus: Hazel (Corylus)
  • Flowering time: February to March
  • Flower color: red (female), yellow (male)
  • Fruits: nuts
  • Growth height: up to 20 m
  • Frost hardiness: up to – 20°C


The tree hazel is very undemanding as far as its location is concerned. It thrives in both sun and shade. penumbra. In order for it to develop well, however, it should not be in too much shade and should be planted in a semi-shady location at most. When choosing a location, you should also make sure that it is not planted too close to a property line, as it can develop in width, especially without regular pruning.


The tree hazel is a popular park tree and can also be planted in the garden with other trees.


The tree hazel is a survivor and thrives in almost any location. The substrate can be regular garden soil. It also tolerates sandy soils very well, and moist soils are also no problem for them. It does not tolerate permanent moisture very well, which is why it should not be planted in the immediate vicinity of a pond. The plant substrate can be prepared with humus and some gravel before planting the tree hazel. Occasionally, the tree hazel can also be found in higher areas with calcareous soil. When adding lime, however, care should be taken to use it sparingly and it should be checked whether the soil is not already slightly calcareous.

fertilizing and watering

The tree hazel should only be watered in the first few weeks after planting, but no waterlogging should form. Normally, the tree hazel does not have to be additionally watered throughout the year, as normal rain is completely sufficient for it. Only in a very dry summer can the soil around the tree hazel be watered, paying attention to penetrating watering, as the tree forms a deep taproot. Although the tree hazel likes to have a lot of nutrients, normal mulching or a compost application in the spring is sufficient for the nutrient requirements.


Also water regularly in the first few years, this accelerates the growth of the tree hazel.


Actually, the tree hazel should not be pruned, but regular pruning for rejuvenation and to reduce the spread is essential.

  • Pruning is done in autumn or winter after most of the fruit has fallen.
  • A pruning is also possible in early spring, but before the tree is in the "juice".
  • The interfaces must be professionally sealed with tree wax as it can take years to close the wound.
  • Do not remove side shoots directly from the trunk, but leave about 10 cm so that no infections can form.
  • Dead or diseased parts of the plant should be removed regularly.


The tree hazel does not need any protection in winter and can withstand severe frost without any problems. The trunk should only be protected from the frost in extreme frosts from around -15 °C. In addition, the roots of the young trees can be protected with a thick layer of mulch in winter. However, the tree must still be able to breathe through the winter protection, which is why foils or similar materials are unsuitable as protection and can even lead to the death of the tree. Anyone who has ever touched the bark and leaves of the tree hazel will quickly realize that they are rough and almost a little uncomfortable to touch. Therefore, the tree is not a particular treat for animals in winter and is avoided, which is why it does not have to be protected from game browsing.

diseases and pests

The tree hazel is hardly susceptible to diseases or pests. Only occasionally can fungi form on the tree, but they cannot be dangerous to it. If they disturb the optics, branches can be removed without any problems, caution is only necessary with mushrooms offered directly on the main trunk, which can usually not be removed so easily without the tree to damage. However, the tree fungi fall off again over the years. can easily be broken off. Occasionally, aphids can be found on the tree hazel. If the infestation is not too large, no action needs to be taken. Suitable pesticides should only be used if the louse infestation becomes too severe. Often the louse infestation is also due to surrounding ant nests. In this case, the ant nest should be fought first, otherwise a new infestation with lice may quickly occur.

Very rarely, the tree hazel can be attacked by the Verticillium wilt. This is a fungal disease that first affects the roots and then the entire tree. Since the infestation is only noticed very late and the disease takes its course from within, no countermeasures can be taken. In this case the tree can only be felled. In addition, a tree hazel should not be planted again at this location, as this can also quickly be attacked by the fungus again.

frequently asked Questions

Is the tree hazel poisonous?

No. Like its native relatives, the tree hazel is not poisonous. The fruits could also be eaten, but are usually too complicated to remove.

Can the tree hazel be planted in a semi-natural garden?

Yes. The tree hazel can also be planted in a natural garden without any problems. Their fruits are also eaten by local wild animals such as squirrels, which with a bit of luck will also come into your own garden.

Is the tree hazel suitable for a hedge?

No. The tree hazel is not suitable for a hedge that it should be cut as little as possible. However, the young twigs can easily be bent into shape, which is why a growth direction can be specified, at least in the first few years.

Worth knowing about the tree hazel shortly

use of the fruit?

  • The nuts are a bit smaller compared to the common hazel, which is a shrub, and they don't taste as good either.
  • Nevertheless, tree hazels are deliberately cultivated in some countries and the nuts are used there primarily for baking.
  • But the wood of the tree hazel is also valuable. It is light brown in color and is made into furniture and carvings.

susceptibility to disease?

  • A newly planted tree sometimes has difficulty growing, but once this phase is over, the tree hazel is a tree a robust and fairly hardy tree that is rarely attacked by diseases or pests and can live for a few hundred years can.
  • It is absolutely hardy and even a location in an industrial area does not bother it.
  • It is also well suited for the city because it is relatively insensitive to air pollution, where it is used for parks and as an avenue tree.
  • Its main roots are deep, so it does little damage to cobblestones and asphalt in the city.
  • It also tolerates a very hot summer well and can be planted in a sunny or partially shaded location.
  • A fungal infection is possible with the tree hazel, which causes brownish round spots to form on the leaves. However, this type of fungus is not very aggressive and therefore does not need to be fought.
  • In the city, the use of road salt can also lead to discoloration of the leaves, as with other trees.
author garden editorial

I write about everything that interests me in my garden.

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