Create and design a rose garden

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Put long-lived, hardy perennials in the gaps, preferably blue and white flowering species that harmonize with all rose colors. Yellow roses also go well with yellow or orange-colored companions, red roses with red and pink-colored plants. Then you need a little dexterity so that the flower tones don't "bite" each other. It is nice when some companions bloom outside of the main rose bloom in early spring and late autumn. In this way, splashes of color can be seen in your beds at any time of the year. A rose doesn't make a summer. A rose garden only becomes really beautiful with the right flowering plants.

So you've got the hang of it

You can find roses on all routes through the

Accompany the garden - whether as a magnificent climber on a rose arch or as a small trunk. Gray-leaved plants such as rue and lavender complement such a fairy tale trail.

Solo performance

A true rose queen like `Gloria Del` likes to dominate the garden scene all by herself. She only tolerates green plants such as box cones, spheres or hedges cut into shape as discreet companions that do not distract from her. Annual summer flowers such as the hussar's head are ideal for underplanting so that the ground under the rose bushes is not bare.


Sleeping Beauty invites you to welcome your guests in the front yard with a deep red climbing rose like `Sympatie` or` Flammentanz`

welcome, who is holding onto a wooden pergola with their spikes.

Basic rules of care

The range of roses is almost unmanageable. It is best to seek advice from a specialist nursery. It guarantees quality.

Container roses

They are offered in pots with firm root balls. The advantage of these quite expensive roses is that they can be planted throughout the summer. After setting, however, you have to ensure constant soil moisture. Container roses do not need pruning. Since they are already blooming at the time of the offer, you can convince yourself of the flower color and the fragrance and do not have to rely on a description.

Bare-rooted roses

The best time to plant roses that do not have a root ball with soil but only bare roots is in autumn. They are placed in water for several hours before they are planted in loose garden soil mixed with clay in a sunny spot.

Rose cut

Bouquet roses should be in

Cut back vigorously in spring so that they bloom abundantly. The shoots are shortened to 20 cm in length. For other groups of roses (e.g. B. Shrub, ground cover, climbing roses) it is usually sufficient to completely remove one or two of the oldest shoots every spring. In this way you create space for young, subsequent shoots that are more blooming again. If a rose is out of shape, you can also shorten the disruptive or too long shoots in March


Fertilize in moderation. Roses need plenty of nutrients. To start in spring, a dose of compost is usually sufficient. At the beginning of flowering and again in August, apply a special rose fertilizer.
Repel pests: Aphids often tear themselves away before a sharp jet of water. You should use pesticides against fungi such as powdery mildew. Plant extracts help preventively.
Plant deep: In the case of grafted roses, the nodular grafting point should be about 5 cm below the ground.