Recreate old lawn

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In any case, a precise planning of the procedure should be carried out at the beginning, as this is the only way to rule out mishaps to some extent.

Lawn mixes

In Germany there are DIN standards for lawn mixtures. These are depending on the intended use - for decorative, carpet, play or Shadow lawn - named separately.
If you want to sow your lawn yourself, you have the option of having a mixture put together according to your individual wishes. However, only a few specialist dealers are willing to make this effort, which is only worthwhile when it comes to the need for larger areas. In order to green a small garden, one is usually well served with the commercially available mixtures.

Seedbed preparation

  1. Lumps of earth are broken up with a roller or by tamping evenly over the entire surface. Then collect stones and roots-
  2. When the seedbed is smooth and level, it is rolled again, twice in opposite directions.
  3. Solidify the soil again 1 week later. Then it is fair to say the least and the process is repeated.
  4. At last you work about 1 handful of Universal - Lawn fertilizer / Square meter with the rake. The soil must rest for about a week before sowing or laying.

Sow grass

Pluck out sprouted wild herbs, then break off clumps and stones. Then the area must be leveled. At the Sow by hand with cords

Seed strips marked out. Spread an exactly calculated amount of seed in two counter-rotating gears.

First maintenance measures

The approximately 4 cm high lawn is carefully swept away without scratching the sensitive seedbed. Snails are collected. Freshly grown lawn is lightly rolled, for example with the roller of a cylinder mower with the blades raised. Mow carefully for the first time around 6 months after sowing.

Ready-made lawn

Ready-made grass sods with already sprouted green are available from specialist shops. Make sure that the grass is uniformly well developed, free of wild herbs and that the proportion of fine-leaved varieties is high. The sod, reminiscent of carpet tiles, should all have the same thickness and the earth should have a uniform crumb structure so that no roots fall off. The cheapest and best-selling Ready-made lawn contain a high proportion of high-quality varieties, so that a hard-wearing lawn is created. Mixed lawn consists of a higher proportion of fine-leaved varieties and is relatively frugal and easy to care for compared to the sensitive park lawn.

Laying ready-made turf

  1. Place the first row along one edge and press firmly.
  2. Put one board on the first row, continue with the next staggered.
  3. The board is placed on the second row and the third started, etc.
  4. The finished one Turf is lightly rolled back and forth.
  5. Brush off loose grass and roots with a brush.
  6. Finally, prick the edges with an edge cutter or flat spade.
  7. Curves are cut with a sharp knife as the tip of a self-made compass. Do this fine work only when you have finished laying.

Fertilization and top dressing

  1. To prevent the lawn from becoming stunted in places or, in the other extreme, burning, you should fertilize regularly. To do this, the area is rasterized with bamboo sticks or with stakes and string.
  2. Granular fertilizer goes well with the Gritter spread. You pull it in parallel tracks over the lawn, whereby the overlapping of the tracks may not exceed the width of the wheels.
  3. A mixture of sifted loam soil, leaf compost, peat, garden compost and Sharp-grained sand that was set at least 1 year beforehand (half a bucket per square meter fully)


  1. In order to aerate the lawn in early autumn, it is evenly perforated with a digging fork 7.5-10 cm deep. This improves the water drainage and loosens the soil.
  2. More efficient ventilation is achieved with hollow tines that push the soil upwards. The plugs are swept up and the right sand is worked into the holes.
  3. For larger areas, a lawn aerator is suitable, in which metal spikes are attached on a horizontal axis, which perforate the lawn scar when it is pushed.

Raking, rolling and sweeping

  1. A leaf broom is the best way to clean the lawn before mowing it for the first time in spring. It is also ideal for gently de-matting the sward in autumn.
  2. Bumps caused by frost in winter can be smoothed out with a roller in spring, but in summer they would only be reinforced in this way.
  3. In autumn, leaves and plant residues are removed from the lawn with the brush. This broom is also used to remove piles of earth and dew before mowing.


As the best time to sow Lawn seeds spring offers itself at Ready-made lawn however, you can re-create your lawn throughout the year. Before you can start building the new lawn - the old lawn must first be removed. For this purpose, it is advisable to dig up the entire area deeply. The old

Sward can be dug under without major problems, or alternatively removed. After the entire area has been dug, the soil should be allowed a day of rest. The next day, the entire area can be brought to one level with a rake. For this purpose, all thick clods of earth are crushed and distributed evenly over the entire area. Depending on the type of soil, it's still worth it Mix in sand or lime, this ensures a better drainage of the water and a better oxygen supply to the grass roots. If the floor was badly affected, the bond should now have a few days to sag.
Once these initial preparations have been made, it can start with the sowing of the lawn seeds or the Laying the finished turf go off. You should proceed conscientiously here, only with perfect laying / sowing will you be able to enjoy your new lawn for years to come. Once the lawn has grown, it goes to them care, because this is the only way the lawn will thrive in the long term. In addition to the Swell of the lawn in spring, from watering to mowing the lawn once a week - there is a lot to do. Anyone who messes around here will quickly notice this from the quality of their lawn.
Special Care should be the lawn when they go on vacation. Many lawn owners make the mistake of cutting the lawn extremely short before going on holiday, but this has the opposite effect and can lead to the lawn being burned by the sun will. It is better to cut the lawn several times after returning from a two- or three-week vacation in order to bring it back to the desired height. Are very helpful in this context mowing machinethat have a cutting height adjustment. In this way you can mow your lawn individually and thus maintain it optimally. In the winter months, it is advisable to put as little strain on the lawn as possible and to sweep away fallen leaves. The lawn is mowed until late autumn, only when the growth has ceased mowing machine his well-deserved break.

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