Hardy roses: 15 varieties

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hardy roses

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  • Hardy roses
  • Flowering once tops flowering more often
  • Bed and shrub roses
  • Rambler roses
  • Historic roses
  • Wild roses

Freezing winters put roses to the test. Although the noble flowering trees are generally hardy, severe frost leaves massive damage to many roses north of the Alps. Picturesque blossoms and preferred type of rose should therefore not be the only criteria when purchasing. Forward-looking rose gardeners also focus on the degree of frost tolerance. This selection presents 15 types of beautiful roses that can even withstand the frost of the century without damage.

Hardy roses

There are numerous options when choosing roses. If the roses are supposed to tolerate a lot of frost, the choice is more difficult. Below we present 15 hardy roses.

Flowering once tops flowering more often

In terms of winter hardiness more frequent blooming roses neglect. However, breeders of modern rose varieties give preference to remontant, furious blooms. So much beauty has its price, because varieties that bloom several times tolerate less frost than roses with a single bloom per season. If the temperatures drop below - 23 ° C, however, more blooming rose beauties have nothing to counter this and freeze back, in the worst case to the ground.

Rose varieties that bloom once do not fail even under the influence of Siberian conditions, because they can withstand temperatures well below -30 ° C undamaged. In this selection of really hardy roses you will therefore look in vain for modern, more frequently blooming rose bushes. However, winter survivors compensate for the apparent disadvantage of a one-time flowering period with other advantages. Because premium varieties fill the summer garden with a seductive rose scent, wear in autumn lavish rose hip jewelry, but also do not shy away from partially shaded locations and are reliable resistant to Rose diseases.

tip: Two measures optimize the frost tolerance of your roses in the bed. It is essential that you plant a rose so deep that the grafting point is a good five centimeters below the surface of the earth. In each late autumn, pile the shoot base six to eight inches high with compost. Cover the shoots protruding from the hill with needles.

Bed and shrub roses

Damascus rose 'Madame Hardy' (Rosa damascena)

Damascus roses have a reputation for being particularly hardy. Because freezing cold down to -34 ° C does not throw these roses off their floral balance. The breathtaking variety 'Madame Hardy' combines reliable frost resistance with a flood of white, bulging rose petals with a bewitching scent. The multiple award-winning shrub rose undoubtedly lives up to its nimbus as one of the most beautiful white rose varieties.

  • Height: 180 to 200 cm
  • Flowering period: June and July
Rose Damascena 'Madame Hardy'

Park rose 'Hansa' (Rosa rugosa)

If park roses score with solid winter hardiness, at least one wild rose is one of the parents. One example is the magnificent variety called 'Hansa'. Early 20th In the 19th century, the two rose growers, Schaum & van Tol, aimed for a new rose that would bloom abundantly with double, fragrant flowers, suitable for hedge plants and yet well hardy is. To this day, the successful result is an integral part of the offer in every well-stocked tree nursery.

  • Height: 150 to 200 cm
  • Flowering period: June to August / September
Potato rose 'Hansa'

Provins rose 'Complicata' (Rosa gallica)

A robust wild rose was the inspiration behind the breeding of 'Complicata'. Although the name of the variety suggests otherwise, the care of this floribunda rose proves to be completely uncomplicated. The vigorous piece of jewelery presents the wild rose-like, wonderfully fragrant flowers without the time-consuming work of the rose gardener. The foundation of its unpretentious modesty is the ability of a Provins rose to bravely stand up to freezing frost at temperatures as low as -34 ° C.

  • Height: 150 to 250 cm
  • Flowering period: June
Rose 'Complicata'

Shrub rose 'Felicité Parmentier' (Rosa alba)

Lush, double, cream-colored flowers combine the nostalgic premium rose with unbeatable winter hardiness. Experts certify that the legendary cultivar can tolerate frost down to -34.4 ° C without grumbling. The picturesque bed and shrub rose does not need special winter protection. Thus, 'Felicité Parmentier' is one of the recommended roses for gardens with climatic conditions of the hardiness zone Z4.

  • Height: 100 to 150 cm
  • Flowering period: June and July

Rambler roses

'Goldfinch' (Rosa helenae)

Half-double, buttery yellow, creamy white flowers when they bloom are the trademark of this climbing artist. It effortlessly conquers airy treetops and high facades, only to transform them into a summer flower fairy tale. The floral jewel causes astonishment a second time when, in autumn, orange-colored rose hips in droves compete with the sun. The noble rose variety is verifiably hardy and can withstand frost down to well below -30 ° C without complaint.

  • Height: 300 to 500 cm
  • Flowering period: June and July
Rose helenae 'Goldfinch'

'Lykkefund' (Rosa helenae)

From the far north this rambler rose found its way into the gardens and parks of Central Europe. With its almost thornless tendrils, it plants the crowns of mighty trees, meter-high facades and stable rose arches. Creamy white, semi-double flowers gather to form an exuberant sea of ​​flowers that is staged anew every early summer. When it comes to frost, 'Lykkefund' is used to grief, because in their Danish homeland the temperatures drop to a freezing -40 ° C in winter.

  • Height: 300 to 500 cm
  • Flowering period: June and July
Rose 'Lykkefund'

Ännchen von Tharau (Rosa alba x Rosa arvensis hybrid)

Thanks to the ingenious rose breeder Rudolf Geschwind, rose lovers have many rambler varieties that thrive completely hardy. Ännchen von Tharau is the successful result of a cross between Rosa alba and the wild rose Rosa arvensis. The latter gave the fairytale rambler rose a reliable frost hardiness. Up to 5 meters long, flexible tendrils with countless, loosely filled, white flowers conquer a stable climbing aid in the twinkling of an eye and create an aura that is reminiscent of Sleeping Beauty's castle.

  • Height: 300 to 500 cm
  • Flowering period: June and July
Rose 'Ännchen von Tharau'

Note: In the bucket, every rose becomes a wintry wobbly candidate, regardless of its certified winter hardiness. Behind the vessel wall, a root ball is vulnerable to temperatures below freezing point. A warming winter coat made of bubble wrap and jute as well as an insulating foot made of wood guide a potted rose safely and healthily through the cold season.

Historic roses

Gallic rose, apothecary rose (Rosa gallica officinalis)

The probably oldest rose variety in Europe has a colorful array of convincing attributes in its luggage. A lush pile of pink, semi-double flowers is accompanied by a seductive fragrance. The dark green, leathery foliage is certified robust health. The historical rose has lost none of its topicality, because even after a violent winter with severe frost, it puts on its picturesque flower dress again in early summer. If young shoots from the previous year freeze back a bit, this is still no cause for concern. A strong one Cut back down to healthy, older wood paves the way for this year's blossom symphony.

  • Height: 90 to 120 cm
  • Flowering period: June and July
Gallic rose

Moss rose 'Muscosa' (Rosa centifolia)

Since the end of the 18th Century, the moss rose lets its followers indulge in summer blooming dreams. Half-double flowers with a diameter of up to 10 centimeters, accompanied by healthy, dark green pinnate leaves, are her most beautiful ornament. The mossy buds appear reliably every year, no matter how hard the winter may have been. The moss rose is one of the selected varieties that reliably tolerate hardy frost down to -30 ° C.

  • Height: 120 to 150 cm
  • Flowering period: June and July
Rosa centifolia 'Muscosa'

Park rose 'Maigold' (pink)

The historic park rose 'Maigold' is ideal for rose gardeners with a weakness for an extra early flowering period. The successful premium variety intoxicates the senses with bright yellow, semi-double flowers when other flowering trees slowly awaken from hibernation. It is obvious that the historical beauty of the 1953 vintage is hardy and does not lose its courage to live even in frost below -25 ° C.

  • Height: 220 to 280 cm
  • Flowering period: May to October

Park rose 'Maigold'

Wild roses

Beaverella Rose, Dune Rose (Rosa pimpinellifolia)

If you are looking for a defensive natural beauty, you will find it with this wild rose. Bibernell roses thrive with distinctive spines up to 8 millimeters in length. How good that the dune rose thrives completely hardy and easy to care for, which rarely requires horticultural intervention.

  • Height: 100 to 150 cm
  • Flowering period: May and June
Rosa pimpinellifolia

Northern pike rose (Rosa glauca)

The frost-hard wild rose sets the scene with unusual color accents. Light pink cupped flowers contrast picturesquely with dainty leaves, which shimmer bluish-green to reddish-green in summer. After the flowering period, red, egg-shaped rose hips invite the birds in the garden to snack.

  • Height: 150 to 250 cm
  • Flowering period: June and July
Pike pink, Rosa glauca

Dog rose (Rosa canina)

If you come across an opulent rose bush on a hike, it is mostly this wild rose. The dog rose enchants with countless pink bowl flowers in the wild and in natural gardens. The wild beauty is completely hardy and survives even a severe winter in the mountains unscathed.

  • Height: 200 to 300 cm
  • Flowering period: June to September
Dog rose, Rosa canina

Creeping rose, field rose (Rosa arvensis)

We do not want to withhold a rare wild rose with ground cover qualities and convincing frost resistance in this selection. Rosa arvensis lives up to its name with creeping tendrils. When grown freely, the field rose forms a decorative, hemispherical growth. Thanks to a growth rate of up to 40 centimeters per year, the creeping rose covers barren areas with a sea of ​​white shell flowers within a short time. The rose variety renounces winter protection as well as annual pruning measures.

  • Growth length: 50 to 200 cm
  • Flowering period: July and August
Field rose, Rosa arvensis

Cinnamon rose (Rosa majalis)

The distinctive cinnamon rose inspires with carmine-pink flowers that gather in small clusters. Golden yellow stamens, a brown-red to purple wood color and dark red rose hips provide decorative color accents. As a native wild rose, the May rose is also completely hardy and does not need winter protection.

  • Height: 100 to 160 cm
  • Flowering period: May and June
Cinnamon rose, Rosa majalis