Build your own raised bed out of stones: this is how it works

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A raised bed made of stones looks particularly natural, is durable and can not only increase the yield, but also extend the harvest time. So the construction goes step by step.


Raised beds are more than just a decorative element in the garden. They also have numerous advantages. These include, among others:

  • earlier planting possible
  • large amounts of nutrients for a long time
  • bigger yields
  • longer harvest time
  • possible habitat for lizards and other animals
  • Back-friendly gardening possible
  • Protection from snails
  • Substrate can easily be adjusted
  • resistant to moisture

Due to the different layers, the temperature in the raised bed can be up to eight degrees Celsius more than the surrounding soil. This makes it possible to start planting earlier.

In addition, due to the warmth, the growth and development of fruits can be prolonged. This significantly increases the yield. This effect is particularly pronounced in raised beds made of stones. Because the stones store the warmth of the day and gradually release it again overnight.

This also prevents damage from late frost, for example. In addition, the raised bed with a corresponding structure is suitable, among other things, as a kind of greenhouse or tomato tent.

Size and location

The width of the raised bed should be 60 to 70 centimeters if the bed is only accessible from one side. If access can be from both sides, the width may be problem-free

to be doubled.
The length depends on the available space and the desired yield. 100 to 120 centimeters are common. However, shorter or significantly longer beds are also possible.

When aligning, it is optimal to align the long sides to the north and south. This means that the short sides point to the east and west. More important than the position according to the cardinal points are the conditions at the location. A sunny place should be chosen for the raised bed made of stones, which is not shaded by trees, larger plants, buildings or walls. Open areas are therefore ideal.

Lay the foundation for a stone raised bed

Lay the foundation

Due to the high weight, the raised bed should be built on a foundation. This gives it stability and extends its service life.
You will need:

  • concrete
  • Drill with mixer attachment
  • bucket
  • thread
  • coarse gravel
  • gravel
  • Mini excavator
  • Plate compactor
  • spade
  • stable sticks
  • Folding rule

1. Stake out outline

After measuring the outline, it should be staked out for orientation. This is very easy to do with sticks or strips and a thread.

2. Dig the foundation

The chipped outline can first be dug out superficially with a spade. a spade depth and thus about 20 to 30 centimeters are sufficient. Then the pit can be opened with a mini excavator

Depth of 60 to 80 centimeters can be excavated.

3. Compact soil

So that the foundation turns out to be stable, the soil and walls must be compacted. A vibrating plate is best suited for this. The edges should then be blocked off with boards to create a frame.

4. Fill in gravel and compact

First, a 15 to 20 centimeter thick layer of crushed stone is poured in and compacted with the vibrating plate. An equally thick layer of gravel is placed on top and also compacted.

5. pouring concrete

Both concrete and cement can be used to pour the foundation. This provides a stable and resilient base after it has dried out. However, this step is not absolutely necessary. A foundation of crushed stone and gravel can be enough to support the walls of the raised bed. When these preparations are completed, the boards of the frame can be removed.

Tip: Both a mini excavator and the plate compactor can be rented from hardware stores, for example. They make work a lot easier, which is why their use is particularly useful and recommended when creating several raised beds.

Bring your own stone raised bed

Wall raised bed

Depending on which stones are chosen, the process of building it yourself can also differ significantly. In any case, it is important that the stones are securely attached to one another. For this purpose, mortar offers itself as a binding agent.

1. planning

Planning is crucial, especially with natural stones that have irregular shapes. The stones are first laid out in a row so that the spacing and sequence can be planned. This should be repeated for each row.

2. Build the walls of the bed

The stones are attached to the foundation with mortar. Then the rows are laid stone by stone and the joints between the individual elements are also connected with mortar. This applies to both the horizontal and the vertical direction.

3. Walls

When all stones are in the correct position, the distances between them should be checked again. Gaps that are too large or too deep can be added later

Seal the mortar. This is important to ensure the necessary stability.

4. fill up

Only when the walls are completely dry and hardened should the raised bed be filled. Alternatives to natural stones are, for example, bricks or aerated concrete. Due to their shape, they are easier to lay, can be sawn to the required size relatively easily and can also be optically adjusted afterwards. Which stones are suitable for the raised bed depends on several factors.

Tip: Labeling painter's crepe with numbers and sticking this on the individual stones can help to keep orientation and to adhere to the order.

Fill the raised bed

The substrate in the stone raised bed is made up of several different layers. These are:

  • 1. Layer: pruning trees, branches and twigs from shrubs, as well as bushes
  • 2. Layer: clippings
  • 3. Layer: coarse compost and leaves
  • 4. Layer: fine or finished compost and soil
Stone raised bed: filling

Due to this structure, the rotting times are different, which on the one hand creates heat. On the other hand, the supply of nutrients, isolation from below and drainage of the water are ensured.

Plant outside walls

Especially with natural stones, there is the possibility of decoratively planting the outer walls of the raised bed. One possibility for this is house lice. They can be used in grooves and enhance the look with their distinctive rosettes. If you don't want to plant the walls directly, you can also hang pots on it or place them on the upper edge.

Cleaning the stone raised bed

Another advantage of the stone raised bed is that it is relatively easy to clean. If moss or other unwanted plants or impurities collect in the joints and irregularities, they can easily be removed with a high-pressure cleaner.

With older raised beds, after cleaning, it may be necessary to repair cracks, larger gaps and pieces of mortar that have broken out. However, these repairs should not take place until the walls of the bed have been cleaned and are completely dry.