Fat hen as a houseplant? These 11 varieties are suitable

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Fat hen as a houseplant

table of contents

  • Fat hen as a houseplant
  • Suitable grades from A - Z
  • Sedum from A - B
  • Sedum from L - M
  • Sedum with P
  • Sedum with R
  • Sedum from S - T

the fat chicken can be cultivated in the garden as well as in the living room at home. Find out here which varieties are best suited as houseplant.

The fat hen is one of the thick-leaf plants and is particularly easy to care for. It also looks good in terms of decoration: Depending on the variety, not only the growth form differs, but also the shape and color of the leaves and flowers. The list below shows which types of sedum plant are particularly suitable as houseplant.

Fat hen as a houseplant

Suitable grades from A - Z

Sedum from A - B

Sedum adolphii

The Sedum adolphii is more likely with a maximum height of 20 cm short stature and is therefore ideal as a houseplant. Their leaves are fleshy and lanceolate and red at the edge. In spring it is also adorned with white flowers, which Sedum adolphii forms in small umbels.

  • Flower: white
  • Leaves: yellowish green
  • Growth habit: upright
  • Height: 15-20 cm
Fat hen, Sedum adolphii

Sedum allantoides

If you have a little more space available, a Sedum allantoides is a good choice. Because the subshrub forms thick-fleshed leaves, which are colored blue-gray and have a flour-like, white layer. In summer it also forms its green-white flowers, which are also extremely decorative.

  • Flower: green-white
  • Leaves: blue-gray
  • Growth habit: bushy
  • Growth height: up to 30 cm
Fat hen, Sedum allantoides

Sedum bellum

The Sedum bellum requires a little patience, because this variety does not develop its white flowers until the winter of the second year. However, it already has flat, green leaves that are streaked with whitish papillae. The Sedum bellum is not particularly high, but quite wide. Because the thick leaf plant can reach a width of up to 30 centimeters.

  • Flower: white
  • Leaves: green-white
  • Growth habit: flat
  • Growth height: up to 15 cm
Fat hen, Sedum bellum

Sedum from L - M

Sedum linear "Variegatum"

The variegated-leaved Sedum lineare "Variegatum" is one of the particularly decorative varieties of sedum plant. It forms leaves about one centimeter long, which are flattened and then taper to a point. The foliage is green and has creamy white to white edges. It also bears light yellow flowers in late spring or summer.

  • Flower: light yellow
  • Leaves: light gray-green
  • Growth habit: upright, later hanging
  • Height: 20-50 cm
Fat hen, Sedum linear " Variegatum"

Note: This Sedum variety is susceptible to aphids!

Sedum morganianum

The Sedum morganianum is also known under the names "Monkey Swing" or "Snake Stonecrop". This variety grows hanging, but needs a little more space. Because their shoots can reach a length of up to one meter. The leaves themselves, however, are about two centimeters long and decorated with whitish stripes. The flowering of this variety takes place in spring.

  • Flower: pink
  • Leaves: light gray-green
  • Growth habit: hanging
  • Growth height: up to 100 cm
Fat hen, Sedum morganianum

Note: The “monkey swing” has to be handled with extreme care, as it loses its decorative foliage relatively easily.

Sedum with P

Sedum pachyphyllum

The abundantly branching Sedum pachyphyllum is also called "schnapps noses". It owes its name to its reddened leaf ends. The leaves themselves are comparatively long with a length of up to four centimeters. The tips of the leaves, which are blunt, are noticeable. The sedum plant forms its light yellow flowers in spring.

  • Flower: light yellow
  • Leaves: gray-green
  • Growth habit: upright
  • Growth height: up to 30 cm

Fat hen, Sedum pachyphyllum

Sedum praealtum

If you want a richly branched fat hen, you will be delighted with Sedum praealtum. Thick, long leaves that are round in shape grow on the numerous shoots. This variety shows that the fat hen can store water in the leaves. With proper care, this fat hen will produce light yellow flowers in spring.

  • Flower: light yellow
  • Leaves: green
  • Growth habit: upright
  • Growth height: up to 60 cm
Fat hen, Sedum praealtum

Sedum with R

Sedum rubrotinctum

The Sedum rubrotinctum is a particularly unusual variety because the location and the prevailing conditions affect its color. When this fat hen is in a cool, damp location, the leaves turn light green in color. However, if it is placed in a warm, dry place, the foliage takes on a reddish color. The flowering is also extraordinary, because it takes place in winter.

  • Flower: red
  • Leaves: light green to red
  • Growth habit: upright
  • Growth height: up to 20 cm
Fat hen, Sedum rubrotinctum

Sedum rupestre "Tripmadam"

The fat hen is very popular not only as a houseplant, but also as a seasoning herb. The Sedum rupestre “Tripmadam” variety is particularly suitable as a culinary herb thanks to its slightly sour taste. Also known as "rock fat hen" or "rock pepper", it is also very rich in vitamins and therefore healthy.

  • Flower: yellow
  • Leaves: green
  • Growth habit: upright
  • Height: 10-20 cm
Fat hen, Sedum rupestre

Sedum from S - T

Sedum Sieboldii

Sieboldii can often be found in specialist shops under the name "Oktoberli". Because this variety does not form its pink flowers until autumn. This sedum plant has green leaves that are covered with a fine hoop. This makes it seem as if the foliage is blue-green in color.

  • Flower: pink
  • Leaves: blue-green
  • Growth habit: hanging
  • Growth height: up to 20 cm
Fat hen, Sedum Sieboldii

Note: Sedum Sieboldii has a tendency to leaf rot in high humidity. It should therefore not be placed in a damp location if possible. It is also advisable to always water this variety from below.

Sedum treleasei

Sedum treleasei is a good choice for anyone looking for a particularly compact houseplant. Because this fat hen is only 10 to 20 centimeters tall and is therefore space-saving. Nevertheless, it is quite decorative: On the one hand, its leaves are arranged in the form of a rosette and, on the other hand, it bears yellow flowers in spring.

  • Flower: yellow
  • Leaves: yellow-green
  • Growth habit: flat
  • Height: 10-20 cm
Fat hen, Sedum treleasei