Prevent and treat diseases effectively

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At the first signs of paprika diseases or Pests the garden owner must react quickly and take effective measures before the plants or roots die.

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What makes the peppers sick?

  • improper care
  • Fusarium wilt
  • Verticillum wilt
  • Powdery mildew and downy mildew
  • Falling sickness

Wrong care makes you sick

Care errors cause most pepper diseases and can often be avoided with the appropriate know-how. Of the optimal location for every type of pepper and that proper care are the best prerequisites for plants and fruits to grow and flourish healthily.

Fusarium wilt

Rust-brown spots form on the leaves, initially light, later dark spots appear on the underside. The rust fungus attacks leaves and stems, the plant dies.

Verticillium wilt

Verticillium wilt is a fungal disease that occurs in the soil and attacks the plants from below. New leaf shoots and leaves wither and die.

Powdery mildew and downy mildew

Mildew fungi attack different garden plants with similar damage patterns. They cover the whole plant with their floury coating and penetrate the surface of the leaves. In summer the mildew Spores that are transferred to other plants by the wind. The fungus overwinters in small spore containers on plant remains.

In contrast to powdery mildew, downy mildew infects the underside of the leaves through natural leaf openings. Downy mildew spreads via spores in damp weather, rain and, depending on the type of fungus, at temperatures of 10 ° - 18 ° degrees.

Falling sickness

Fungal pathogens attack seedlings and young plants that are too densely planted. A damp, cool climate and poor ventilation promote the disease.

Recognize and treat bell pepper diseases at an early stage

General immediate measures: Remove infected parts of the plant immediately, dispose of them and replace the soil.
Preventive measures: Remove infected parts of the plant, spray the peppers with stinging nettle, horsetail or garlic broth or with Stone meal pollinate. Treat the soil with calcium cyanamide.

Tips & Tricks

Shower peppers regularly. In particular, spray the underside of the leaf thoroughly. This washes away fungi and pests before they spread.

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