This is the best way to go about it

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Relationship with grapefruit and orange

Even if the size of the pomelo does not suggest this at first glance, it is actually a back-cultivation from grapefruit and orange. This is also clearly noticeable in the taste. The sweetness of the orange is represented as well as the tart note of the grapefruit.

also read

  • Exotic pomelo is in season all year round
  • What types of pomelo are there?
  • Pomelo - how to recognize maturity?

Like the other two citrus fruits, the pomelo must be completely removed from the skin in order to get to its pulp unhindered. The peeling is similar for all three citrus fruits.

A pomelo, known as a honey pomelo, mostly comes from China and has a particularly sweet taste.

Stay away from the shiny skin

A beautiful, plump and shiny skin is a quality feature of many fruits. The pomelo is an exception. If you grab the most beautiful fruit in the supermarket, it could take revenge in terms of taste. Such fruits were mostly taken from the tree unripe.

  • Choose fruit with a dull and slightly wrinkled skin
  • they are often sweeter in taste

Unfortunately, the exterior cannot be relied on in all cases. If the peel is too wrinkled, a somewhat dry pulp could be hidden underneath. There is always a residual risk.

Don't wait too long to peel

No citrus fruit ripens after picking, which is why the storage time should be as short as possible. How long the pomelo has been lying in a supermarket cannot always be determined exactly. It should make a perfect impression. The fruit should be eaten at home soon.

  • becomes dry and woody over time
  • loses flavor and becomes more bitter
  • loses valuable ingredients

This is how a pomelo is peeled

In the supermarket, pomelos are often sold wrapped. They are individually shrink-wrapped in foil or in a fine network. Before a pomelo can be peeled, it must of course be removed from this coating.

  1. Use a sharp knife to cut open the packaging and remove it from the fruit.
  2. Cut the two ends of the fruit thick enough to reveal the white skin underneath.
  3. Score the shell several times lengthways.
  4. Peel each peel section from the fruit by hand. If it doesn't work so effortlessly, you may have to cut the shell deeper or more often.
  5. The white skin that appears after peeling should now also be removed as much as possible.
  6. Then you can use your fingers to cut the pomelo in half and then break it apart into individual pieces.
  7. Remove any remnants of the white peel. This may be easier if you put a small knife under it.

The method of the professional chefs

The chefs have a special peeling method that they use for many round fruits. You too can try out her tips and tricks for the pomelo:

  • cut off both ends generously
  • Then lay them out on a cutting board
  • each with a cut surface upwards or below
  • use a large, heavy knife
  • with Sawing movements drive along the fruit
  • peel off the peel in several steps from top to bottom

Conclusion for quick readers:

  • Pomelo: Combines grapefruit and orange; must be peeled like them
  • Time: fruit does not ripen; therefore peel and eat soon
  • Ideal fruit: When buying, look for slightly shriveled and dull skin
  • Step 1: Remove the fruit from the plastic packaging or Free the network
  • Step 2: cut away both ends; Cut the fruit lengthways several times
  • Step 3: Remove the shell parts from the fruit one by one by hand
  • Step 4: Remove as much of the underlying white skin as possible
  • Professional method: cut off both ends; Place the fruit on the cutting board
  • Cutting: Cut the shell in several steps from top to bottom
  • Tip: Guide the knife close to the pomelo with the sawing movements

The garden journal freshness-ABC

How can fruit & vegetables be stored correctly so that they stay fresh as long as possible?

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