Watering, fertilizing, cutting and more

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How often should the sea lavender be watered?

The sea lavender develops very deep taproots over time, so that it can get the moisture it needs from deeper layers of the earth in dry phases. Older specimens therefore only need additional watering in rare exceptional cases with extreme drought. On the other hand, young plants and sea lavender in the pot should be watered regularly every few days in heat and drought.

also read

  • The sea lavender: hardy in the garden?
  • Plant sea lavender in your own garden
  • Plant and care for sea lavender

When can Limonium be transplanted?

The specimens of the Limonium genus, which comprises over 300 species, are sold in specialist garden shops and are ideally placed in the garden in spring planted out. Young plants grown from seeds or root cuttings should (if necessary) not be planted too late in autumn so that they are without winter protection sufficiently hardy are.

When and how should the sea lavender be cut?

The sea lavender is completely cut back to the ground level in autumn so that it can sprout freshly in spring unhindered. Since the inflorescences only fade a little after being cut and dried, they are often cut off on sea lavender in summer and dried for use in dry bouquets.

Is sea lavender threatened by disease or pests?

The sea lavender is usually extremely insensitive to diseases and pests. Deficiency symptoms can arise from root rot if the sea lavender with its roots is exposed to permanent waterlogging. Avoid this danger in wet locations with heavy soil by adding a drainage layer in the planting hole. Plant pots with sea lavender should have appropriate drainage holes on the underside.

When and with what should the sea lavender be fertilized?

The sea lavender needs very little nutrients and can therefore cope well with poor soils. In the spring, if necessary, with some compost or Complete fertilizer a supply of nutrients is provided. In the autumn, on the other hand, there should be no fertilization so that the plants switch from the growth phase to winter dormancy in good time.

How can the sea lavender be easily overwintered?

Unless your sea lavender is freshly grown seedlings, it can be up to around minus 30 degrees Celsius in the field without any problems hardy. Winter protection can, however, be appropriate in the following cases:

  • Cold frosts (watering if necessary on frost-free days)
  • Beach lavender in a pot (wrap with fleece or bubble wrap)
  • seedlings sown late

On wet hillside locations, a winter cover with a layer of leaves can help to better drain off excess rainwater.


The sea lavender can be propagated relatively easily using root cuttings. To do this, simply cut off pieces of root about 5 centimeters long from an older specimen (after carefully digging it up) and put them in a plant pot with loose, lean substrate.