Cleaning terrace tiles: this is how tiles get clean in the garden

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Cleaning terrace tiles is very easy in itself. However, means and methods should be matched to the material so that the tiles are thoroughly clean, but the material is not damaged. Wood, for example, has to be treated differently than tiles made of stone or ceramic. Interested readers can find out here whether high-pressure cleaners or scrubbers are the right choice for cleaning tiles in the garden.


Regardless of whether the terrace tiles are made of wood or stone, the terrace must be prepared accordingly before thorough cleaning. This includes the following points:
  • Clear the terrace
  • Remove coarse dirt such as leaves, branches and twigs
  • Remove weeds from the joints with a joint scraper
  • Pre-treat green cover such as moss and lichen
  • Check tiles for damage and weak points
Soda has proven its worth for the pretreatment of moss and lichen. Ideally, washing soda is used directly. Dissolved in water, it is applied generously to the affected areas and left on for about an hour. The tiles can then be scrubbed and rinsed off.

Stone and ceramic tiles

Stone and ceramic terrace tiles are very easy to clean. They are very easy to clean with a pressure washer and pure water. However, cracks in the tiles and cracks in the joints can be problematic when cleaning with high pressure. The water can increase the damage. Therefore, as mentioned, it is important to check the tiles in advance.
Damaged areas should be cleaned by hand and without high pressure and then repaired. In the case of very heavy soiling, it can also help to pretreat the terrace tiles with soft soap or detergent before using the high-pressure cleaner. This loosens the dirt and makes it easier to remove afterwards.
Tip: If you only use the high-pressure cleaner for cleaning the terrace, you don't have to buy such a device yourself. Many hardware stores also rent them out for a small fee.

Wooden tiles

Terrace tiles made of woodTerrace tiles made of wood are more sensitive to targeted and selective pressure. Unnoticed cracks in the wood can lead to individual parts falling off during high-pressure cleaning. Joints and wood glue can come loose. It is therefore not recommended to use a high pressure cleaner.
The simple variant is to clean with soft soap, water and a scrubber. A hand brush can also be used for narrow areas. As simple as this method is, it is also very strenuous. An alternative to this is an electric scrubber. With this and a pre-treatment with soda or soft soap, the cleaning of the wooden tiles is much easier and the effort is reduced.

Click tiles made of wood and plastic

Terrace tiles with a click system made of plastic and a layer made of wood or plastic have many advantages. They are comparatively inexpensive, can be laid quickly and easily and just as easily and quickly removed from the terrace or balcony if necessary. In addition, individual tiles can be replaced if necessary.
When cleaning the terrace with click tiles, these properties and the combination of materials have both advantages and disadvantages. On the one hand, large amounts of dirt collect in the joints and under the tiles. Experience has shown that leaves, earth, pebbles and dead plant parts appear in large quantities when the click tiles are removed. For a really thorough preliminary cleaning, it is therefore not enough to sweep the terrace tiles. The joints should be vacuumed. It becomes even more thorough and cleaner if the tiles are clicked apart and the substrate is cleaned separately.
On the other hand, the click system made of plastic becomes brittle and brittle over time, which could cause damage from high-pressure cleaning. The same applies to the comparatively thin wooden slats that are screwed onto the plastic. Although these are resilient when the pressure is distributed, they can crack and crack when targeted high pressure.
It is therefore better to clean the click tiles on the terrace or balcony as follows:

1. The tiles are detached from each other and in the process roughly cleaned of dirt.

2. Coarse dirt such as leaves, twigs and soil is removed from the subsurface with a broom. It can then be cleaned with a scrubber or a high-pressure cleaner.

3. The click tiles themselves are first brushed dry. An appropriately thick bottle brush is recommended for grooves and joints.

4. Once all dry and coarse dirt has been removed, the tiles can be brushed or scrubbed wet. A mixture of soft soap, dissolved washing soda or detergent and water is recommended as a cleaning solution.

5. To prevent the terrace tiles from becoming stained by the cleaning agent, they should be rinsed off with clean water afterwards.

6. The tiles can be set up to dry or laid out again straight away.


Terrace tiles click tilesAfter cleaning the terrace tiles and when they are completely dry, the ideal time has come for any necessary follow-up treatment. Once the tiles have been grouted, cracked joints and cracks can be repaired if necessary. A seal can be applied to stone tiles, which has a dirt-repellent effect.
Wood preservatives can be used for tiles made of wood, which protect the natural material from moisture and penetration Preserve the resulting frost damage, reduce the risk of cracks and warping and bending of the wood prevent.

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