Ornamental pepper »Edible, inedible or even poisonous?

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How should I care for my ornamental pepper?

Peperomia obtusfolia is considered to be slightly poisonous. The plant is available with green leaves or with variegated leaves. While green-leaved varieties Penumbra well tolerated, variegated varieties need a lot of light. If they do not get this, they lose their interesting coloring and simply turn green. They usually only grow to around 30 cm.

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All varieties of Peperomia obtusfolia do not tolerate direct sunlight on a south-facing window. Greater temperature fluctuations and drafts should be avoided. Room temperatures between 18 ° C and 23 ° C are ideal. Temperatures below about 15 ° C are not good for these plants. Water sparingly and, if possible, with rainwater. Also, make sure the humidity is good, otherwise your ornamental pepper will easily suffer from pests.

Capsicum annum, on the other hand, prefers a sunny and airy location where the temperatures do not rise above about 20 ° C. It should also be poured sparingly, it does not tolerate drafts and waterlogging. Give him a little fertilizer once a week. In summer he can stand in a sheltered place in the garden or on the balcony.

Capsicum annum as a medicinal plant

Capsicum annum is also traded under the names Turkish or Spanish pepper and Mexican paprika. Other types are also known as ornamental pepper. So always look out for the botanical name before harvesting the fruit.

The most important ingredient in Capsicum annum is capsaicin. It relieves pain and increases blood circulation. It is (applied externally) a popular remedy for rheumatism and joint problems. However, self-treatment is not recommended.

The most important facts about Capsicum annum in a nutshell:

  • Edible fruits
  • green plant parts poisonous!
  • belongs to the nightshade family
  • Location: sunny and airy, not above 20 ° C
  • pour rather little
  • Avoid waterlogging at all costs
  • fertilize once a week
  • can go outside in summer
  • does not tolerate wind or drafts


Ornamental pepper, regardless of its type, is a very decorative houseplant that requires little care in the right location. But it is at least partially poisonous.

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