The most important care instructions

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When and how often should a lime tree be watered?

Lime requires significantly less water than other types of citrus such as lemon or orange. It is best to soak the root ball thoroughly when watering and then wait a few days until the top layer of soil has dried off. Use rainwater whenever possible.

also read

  • How to overwinter your lime tree
  • Lime tree is losing leaves - what to do?
  • Caring for the tropical kaffir lime properly

How and with what should the lime be fertilized?

During the growing season, you should have your lime tree once a week fertilize. A special one is suitable for this Citrus fertilizer, because it contains all the necessary nutrients in the right composition. No fertilizers are necessary in winter.

When should the lime tree be repotted?

Young trees should be transplanted into a larger pot once a year, older trees about every two to three years. The plants need a loose, well-drained substrate, which is best Citrus earth.

The best time to cut a tree is at the end of the wintering phase. You can cut back all light green new shoots completely, thinner ones by a third and thicker ones by two thirds.

Limes - just like other citrus trees - lose leaves especially when they are too dry or the pot is too small. So if your lime tree loses leaves, first check the moisture status and the size of the pot. A lack of nutrients can also be the cause of leaf shedding. Usually the tree loses a lot of leaves towards the end of the winter period - a lack of light is usually the reason for this.

Diseases and pests

Spider mites as well as plant lice such as scale, mealybugs and mealybugs are very common. Limes also develop deficiency symptoms quickly, and iron in particular is problematic. As soon as the leaves show a light green or yellow color with dark green leaf veins at the same time, you should also provide the tree with an iron fertilizer.

How can the lime be propagated?

Limes can be propagated from cuttings as well as seeds. You can do the same like a lemon tree proceed.

How is the lime tree overwintered?

Hibernate the lime in a bright but cool room with temperatures between five and a maximum of 12 ° C. Water the plant regularly, you can do without fertilizer. Limes do not tolerate frost.

Tips & Tricks

Spider mites often appear after the winter break, because the dry room air offers them ideal conditions. To prevent infestation, it is best to regularly spray the lime tree all around with water.


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