Lay out and maintain dry grass

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An overview of important site conditions

If poor, sandy conditions prevail in a garden, the area is ideal for creating dry lawns. You not only create a decorative appearance, but also a valuable small item.Biotope. So that a poor lawn grows well and thrives splendidly, the location should be like this:

  • Full sun to sunny location
  • Sandy, well-drained soil
  • With little humus and minimal nutritional content

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South-facing slopes or pronounced limestone soil offer dry lawns excellent growth conditions. In addition, poor grass is very suitable for areas with sandy soil.

Soil preparation and deployment - how to do it right

Where the ideal living conditions for dry grass are not naturally given, you can help a little with soil preparation. Follow these steps:

  • Dig the intended lawn area 40-50 centimeters deep
  • The small pit with a 35-34 centimeter high layer of gravel and Grit(€ 41.99 at Amazon *) to fill
  • On top of that a 5-10 centimeter thin layer of sand and Topsoil spread
  • Work the substrate in fine crumbs before sowing and with the Rake smooth

With the Gritter or distribute the preferred seed mixture evenly with the hand spreader and work it lightly into the substrate with the rake. Finally, water the seedbed with the Lawn sprinkler(€ 27.99 at Amazon *) and the finest water jet.

These plants thrive in dry grass

In order for a grassland to establish itself over many years, we recommend the sowing regional grasses, herbs and perennials. The following overview presents some typical candidates for the dry lawn:

  • Grasses: sweet grass, quaking grass, eyrie red fescue, golden oat, meadow foxtail
  • Herbs: yarrow, meadowBellflower, Sage, ribwort, rough dandelion
  • Perennials: Snow heather, Mountain sand bells, heather carnation

This is how you maintain grasslands with expertise

The type of dry grass sown determines in detail what care is important. Choose a low-growing mixture of herbs and grasses for an alkaline subsoil, designed the maintenance different than with poor lawns for alkaline-stressed soil with a height of 60 to 100 Centimeters. The following premises apply to the cultivation of dry lawns in general:

  • Do not fertilize grasslands
  • Only water once a week if there is a summer drought
  • As soon as it rains again, stop irrigation

High growing dry grass is mowed once or twice a season, in July and September. If you create a small, poor lawn, it will be cut four to six times per season. Since a conventional lawnmower is not designed for mowing, experienced gardeners resort to it Scythe.

Tips & Tricks

The perfect maintenance of dry grass is no longer a headache if your garden is suitable for keeping sheep and goats. When these animals graze on a poor lawn, all the requirements for regular mowing and nutrient supply are naturally fulfilled.

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