Age of the plane tree »How old can the deciduous tree get?

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The plane tree has this life expectancy

The information on life expectancy is an estimate based on collected information. Experts are currently assuming 150 to 250 years for the plane tree.

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But that definitely does not specify the maximum possible age. There are some specimens worldwide that significantly exceed this life expectancy. For example, there is a plane tree on the Greek island of Kos, the age of which is given as around 1000 years. Its circumference is an incredible 14 m.

External influences

Maybe everyone can Sycamore species reach such an old age when their living conditions are consistently ideal. But they are seldom. The following factors have an influence on the healthy development and thus the age of a plane tree:

  • Location and climate
  • Diseases and Pests
  • Environmental influences such as lightning strikes

Many trees are also felled by people, be it that their wood is in demand or that they are no longer wanted in their place.

It is not easy for trees in cities at the moment because they are affected by air pollution. However, the plane tree is considered insensitive in this regard. Their life expectancy for cities is stated to be up to 200 years.

Plane trees in Germany

According to historical information, plane trees were first planted in Germany around 1750. The plane trees on the Rondell in Dessau, which were planted in 1781, are among the oldest examples in this country. But there are also a few specimens across Germany that are around 200 years old.

Visible changes in old age

The taller a plane tree is and the thicker the trunk, the older it is. Depending on the type and variety of plane trees, this can be annual growth be about 60 to 80 cm. Often a height of 35 m and a crown width of 25 m is reached.

It can be observed that the crown becomes wider, rounder and more open with age. The breaking capacity is low, unless the tree suffers from massaria disease. Has the plane grown in size, it loses its bark bit by bit. This is why the trunk of an older bark looks patterned.

Calculate age by calculation

There are seldom documents that show when a plane tree was planted. Since the annual rings of a tree are also not visible from the outside, the approximate age can be calculated using the Mitchell formula. The trunk circumference is marked with a so-called. Age factor multiplied. In the case of the fast-growing plane tree, this is given as 0.4.


You can find more information about this interesting tree in our Characteristics.