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Yew trees are deep-rooted

Yew trees are among the Deep roots. This means that the roots of old trees go very deep into the ground. In addition, the tree forms a dense network of small roots also just below the surface. So if you want to dig up a yew tree, you have to dig deep and wide.

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Only transplant young yew trees

You should only transplant young yew trees whose roots have not yet spread that far. You can only get older trees out of the ground with heavy equipment. The roots are usually severely damaged in the process.

If you want to transplant a young yew tree, you must keep a distance of at least 1.5 m around the trunk when digging it out. Make use of one Digging fork for parting so that you do not unnecessarily damage roots. Keep checking how deep the main root goes into the ground.

Find a location in the garden where the yew can stay. Remember that yew trees can get very old. Prepare the soil well and dig into a planting hole that is at least twice the size of the yew root system.

Remove old yew from the garden entirely

Removing an old yew tree from the garden without digging it up is almost impossible. From the root will always sprout new shoots. Some gardeners swear by cutting off the new shoots from the remaining roots over and over again so that the roots die off at some point. But that can take many years.

If you don't want to dig up the yew, you can try digging the trunk directly on the surface of the ground to saw off or to have it sawed off. Then stretch a strong film over the stump to prevent new growth.


To remove an older yew from the garden, you should hire professionals. It is only possible to get the roots out of the ground with the right garden tools. The wood is also very heavy and can hardly be moved by hand.