Tips: Keep cut flowers fresh longer

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Even as a bouquet, cut flowers should give pleasure for a long time - how do you keep them fresh?A magnificently blooming bouquet of flowers not only pleases the eye of the beholder, but also radiates a very special charm within the four walls. But after a few days, the colorful beauties lose their strength and hang their heads. Not least because the cutting off means that the nutrient source is missing. Nevertheless, the shelf life can be extended with a few simple means. Therefore, in addition to the correct cut, the location is also decisive for the durability of the cut flowers.
General tips
There are a number of ways to protect cut flowers from prematurely wilting. However, everything has to be right. Starting with the vase over the water to the right cut and optimal location.
  1. Before the flowers are put into the vase, they should be free of dust, germs and bacteria. Therefore, clean the vase thoroughly with washing-up liquid and hot water.
  2. Always cut the cut flowers fresh and diagonally and put them in the water immediately. Orchids or cyclamen can also be easily scratched on the stem, as they need a lot of water. Plants with woody stems such as chrysanthemums are cut very diagonally and can also be split a little. Flowers with non-woody stems only beveled slightly. Always use a sharp knife for cutting. Scissors compress the supply lines. In the case of sunflowers or roses, the stem ends are briefly dipped in hot water after cutting.
  3. In order not to pollute the water with bacteria through rotting, all superfluous leaves are removed.
  4. It is completely sufficient if the cut flowers only stand with their feet in the water.
  5. The optimal temperature of the vase water is 35 ° C. Do not put cut flowers in cold or hot water. Spring flowers such as daffodils and tulips, on the other hand, only develop their beauty in cold water.
  6. Many know the trick with the copper coin. This does not extend the service life. However, it can curb the formation of bacteria. The same effect can be achieved with a little lemon juice or vinegar. Painkillers, on the other hand, do not belong in the flower water.
  7. It is well known that sugar is also supposed to extend the shelf life. That is only partially correct. Although the plant is supplied with glucose, too much sugar in the vase water contributes to the rapid growth of bacteria. Therefore, sugar is only helpful in moderation.
  8. Direct sunlight causes cut flowers to wither just as quickly as a place next to the heater. A fresh, cool place without drafts is recommended. If the vase is kept in a cool location at night, this will also extend its lifespan.
  9. Hyacinths or daffodils secrete a sticky and toxic substance at the interface. They should stand in a separate container overnight. Then rinse the cut surface. Do not cut again.

With simple measures, cut flowers can stay fresh longerSpecial nutrient solutions for cut flowers are commercially available, which are available either as a powder or in liquid form. If these nutrients are added to the flower water, they delay withering.

SOS for cut flowers
If, despite all the helpful tips, the bouquet does start to wither, the cut flowers can be brought back to life with a simple trick. To do this, immerse the weak bouquet as completely as possible in a water bath with lukewarm water. So the cut flowers shine in new splendor - even if only briefly.
Kinked flowers
Every now and then it happens that a cut flower kinks. However, this does not have to be taken out of the vase and thrown away. There is a great trick to prolong the life of this flower. The magic word is straw. This is simply pushed from below over the stem of the cut flower to the kinked point. So that the straw does not immediately catch the eye, the flower is placed in the middle of the vase. Straws or drinking straws are now available in a wide variety of colors and lengths, so that they hardly disturb the overall picture of the beautiful bouquet.
Care instructions for roses in the vase
The queen of flowers has her own requirements when it comes to how long the flowers will last in the vase. Because once they are cut off from the mother plant, roses usually don't last very long. But with a few little tricks, the withering can be delayed. There are a few things to consider during transport:
  • Remove the protective cover immediately after purchase to prevent rot
  • Immediately wrap the stem ends of the roses with a wet cloth
  • If there is no cloth at hand, newspaper can also help
  • Transport the bouquet upside down
The following measures keep roses in the vase longer:
  • Use only freshly boiled and lukewarm water for the roses.
  • A squirt of lemon will lower the pH of the water.
  • Roses are one of the most popular cut flowersCut the stem ends at an angle and rinse with cold water.
  • Remove any leaves that might touch the water.
  • Place roses individually in the plant to avoid pressure points.
With ostrich roses it is important to change the water daily - as described above. It also makes sense to cut the stems again and pluck off dead leaves. A little sugar or stale lemonade in the water will keep roses looking fresh longer. Fresh roses should never be in a vase with older ones. Trick: rose petals that are beginning to fade can simply be sprayed with hairspray. So they last longer, at least visually.
frequently asked Questions
  • Why don't my cut flowers last longer? - The main reason for premature wilting is lack of water. Which is not to say that there is not enough water in the vase. Rather, it is about the fact that the plant cannot process the water due to various conditions. For example, when the leaves evaporate so much water that there is hardly anything left for flowering.
  • Why shouldn't cut flowers stand near fruit? - This question is answered quickly. In addition to fruit, vegetables and cigarette smoke also emit ethylene gas. This ripening gas accelerates the aging process of cut flowers.
Worth knowing about fresh cut flowers in brief
The stems of the freshly cut flowers must be cleaned thoroughly to avoid rotting in the water. For this reason, all leaves at vase height must also be removed. The flowers should be placed in the water immediately after cutting to prevent air from entering the ducts. Since this is usually not possible, it is advisable to cut the stems again with a smooth knife cut and to put them in the vase immediately afterwards.
  • Thorough cleaning of the vase is the top priority! The bacteria can be tackled with a brush, hot water and washing-up liquid.
  • The vase water must not be very cold - as is usually wrongly assumed - but should have a temperature of approx. 35 ° C.
  • Special nutrient solution is a real elixir of life for cut flowers. On the one hand, it inhibits the formation of bacteria and fungi and, on the other hand, supplies vital energy.
  • The flower vase must never be placed near fruit. This gives off ethylene, a ripening gas that reduces the shelf life of plants.
  • Sugar as a flower food? A small pinch of sugar is useful, but if you add too much you achieve the opposite: the flowers rot even faster.
  • A copper coin (cent coin) in the water helps to prevent the formation of rot.
  • Not too sunny during the day, cool at night - this is how cut flowers look bestDuring the day, cut flowers should not be in direct sunlight or exposed to drafts. You can put them in a cool room overnight.
  • A dash of vinegar or lemon juice in the vase water not only neutralizes the lime content of the water, but also prevents the development of rot.
  • With hard-stemmed plants such as B. Sunflowers, roses or lilacs advise experts to dip the stems briefly in boiling water. Then you put the flowers in cold water.
  • Flowers that are brought into the warm room from winter temperatures must not be unpacked immediately, but only approx. Let it acclimate for half an hour. Then remove the foil and put it in the vase.
  • SOS for a withered bouquet: treat it to a water bath. The flowers and leaves may recover quickly.

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