Soda for removing moss

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However, you shouldn't use soda on your lawn, it works as a weed killer. As such, it not only attacks the moss but also the lawn grasses. Here are other remedies such as sulfuric acid ammonia more suitable.

also read

  • Combating moss naturally - How to remove moss biologically
  • Removing moss from the balcony - this is how it works with home remedies
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Remove moss from paving slabs

You can remove moss very well with the help of soda on garden paths or the terrace. Pour a tablespoon of soda over a liter of hot water. You then spray this solution on your pavement slabs and let them soak overnight.

The next day, brush the plates thoroughly. You may need to rinse again with clean water. The soda lye also helps against algae and on garden furniture or fences. You should scrape or scratch off areas with a particularly thick layer of moss beforehand.

Prevention of moss in the lawn

Be sure to choose a high quality seed mix for laying out your lawn. These contain specially grown lawn grasses that grow particularly densely. Cheap mixtures, on the other hand, consist largely of so-called forage grasses, which grow quickly but are less dense.

Proper lawn care

Fertilize and mow your lawn regularly. If the drought persists, it should also be watered. The grasses thrive well and have strong roots. This largely keeps moss and clover away from your lawn. However, the prerequisite is that the lawn receives sufficient light and is not too damp.

The essentials in brief:

  • Do not use soda on lawns
  • is suitable for cleaning garden furniture and equipment, paving slabs and fences
  • Scrape off a thick layer of moss beforehand
  • Correct mixture: 1 tablespoon of soda to 1 liter of hot water
  • leave on overnight
  • brush off thoroughly


Don't use soda on your lawn, it will not only remove the moss but also the lawn grasses there.