This is how it works in the oven and in the pan

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Roast cashew nuts at home

There are two ways to roast the kernels. On the one hand you can roast the cashews in the oven and on the other hand in the pan on the electric stove. Both variants work perfectly if you keep one eye on the kernels so they don't turn too brown.

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  • Crunchy and tasty - roast the kernels
  • Roast almonds yourself - capture the aroma fresh and fragrant
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Roasting in the pan

Heat your frying pan without oil. As soon as the base is hot, add the cashew nuts. Toast the kernels, turning them constantly, so that they don't burn. As soon as they start to get dark, you will have to turn them more often. The kernels are ready when they have reached the desired degree of browning. Let the kernels cool down.
The cashew nuts can be consumed immediately after roasting.

Roasting in the oven

Preheat the oven to 180 degrees. Take a baking sheet, line it with parchment paper and distribute the seeds on it. Put the tray in the hot oven for about twenty minutes. Turn the kernels at short intervals with a spatula. The kernels should get a nice tan, but not burn. As soon as the cashews are well browned, take the tray out of the oven and let the kernels cool down.

Refine roasted cashew nuts

The kernels that are not eaten immediately can be stored in a glass with a screw cap. If you want, you can also spice up the seeds a little. Put some walnut oil in each glass, pour in the kernels and shake everything well. The surface of the kernels should be oily. Now add your spices. Half a teaspoon of seasoning is enough for a small glass, you can refine large glasses with seeds with a teaspoon of your favorite spice. Shake the stones in the glass well so that the spice can spread.

You can use the following spices:

  • Salt, the classic spice for nuts
  • Paprika, choose between the noble sweet or the spicy variant
  • Chili, for everyone who likes it hot
  • Curry, gives the cashew nuts an Indian appeal

Try out different types of seasoning and discover the most delicious variety for you.

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