Rock GardenGarden Design

Plants for the rock garden

Rock gardens are considered to be particularly easy-care gardens, which can still convince with their very own charm. Without plants, however, this rock garden looks cold and lifeless. Therefore, planting is a key ingredient when it comes to adding personal charm to a rock garden. The planting makes it possible to bring variety to the stone landscape. However, the choice of plants should not be made arbitrarily.Create the rock garden yourself in the home gardenIn a rock garden, an approximate...

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Rock GardenPlants And Wall Plants For Rock GardensGarden Design

Plants and wall plants for rock gardens

Planting a rock garden is an important thing, because with the right plants a hobby gardener can save a lot of work in the care. The creation of a rock garden is very difficult at first, but afterwards it is all the more enjoyable and requires surprisingly little maintenance. This is mainly due to the fact that the mountain plants mainly used show very slow growth and are very undemanding to the soil conditions. They do best in dry and poor soil, which allows for little weed growth.Weed infes...

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Rock GardenGarden Design

Flowers and perennials for the rock garden

A rock garden, and especially the plants for it, are considered undemanding. But this is not quite the case, because these plants also need the right environment, or rather a subsurface. Therefore, the location and the soil should be selected very carefully, because otherwise the planting can prove difficult or even impossible.A sunny locationBefore a rock garden can be created, the location should be well chosen. This should be a little sloping so that no waterlogging can occur. There should...

  • 15-Nov-2021
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