ShrubsEvergreen GrovesGarden PlantsWoods

Are Mahonia (Mahonia aquifolium) poisonous? Information for children and animals

table of contentsToxicityPoisonous effectFor animalsToxinconsumptionedibilityBerryrootThere are around 70 different species of Mahonia around the world, the specimens that live here reach a height of up to one meter. They are evergreen plants with pinnate leaves on which spherical, very acidic berries grow.ToxicityHow poisonous is the Oregon grape?In general, the Oregon grape is considered to be slightly toxic, but different parts of the plant have different effects. While the fruits lead to ...

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ShrubsEvergreen GrovesGarden PlantsWoodsRhododendrons

Rhododendron: the azalea is poisonous

table of contentsToxic substancesSymptoms humanSymptoms animalsmeasuresOf the rhododendron is a popular plant not only in the local, mostly front gardens. The beautiful azalea is also popular in public parks and cemeteries. But unfortunately all parts of the plant contain the graceful evergreen plant with the colorful flowers Poisons that are especially dangerous to animals and small children, but also to adults can. The following article shows which poison the rhododendron contains and which...

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ShrubsEvergreen GrovesGarden PlantsWoodsRhododendrons

Rhododendron does not bloom despite its buds and leaves

table of contentsRhododendron cicadaBudsPesticidesNegative influencescareDeficiency symptomsIron deficiencyNitrogen deficiencyLack of budsIf the rhododendron does not bloom despite the buds and leaves, this can have various causes. This article describes the most important and gives practical tips. In some gardens there are (apparently) healthy, lush rhododendrons. They grow and flourish, but they don't bloom. Often it is very difficult to find the cause. The explanations in the guide can hel...

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ShrubsGarden PlantsWoods

Cut bougainvillea: in the autumn before wintering

table of contentsCutAutumn cutWinter quartersCut timeCutting instructionsShootsThe bougainvillea (also called bougainville or triplet flower) is a subtropical plant that enchants us with its play of colors in summer. The bright colors do not come from the flowers, but from the three bracts surrounding them. Botanically, the bougainville belongs to the miraculous flower family. The bougainville does not have any special requirements when it comes to care. However, it must be cut regularly. How...

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ShrubsDeciduous TreesGarden PlantsWoods

Is Forsythia Toxic? Useful information for children and pets

table of contentsForsythiaoriginToxicityPlant partsToxinsPoisonous effectpreventionThe forsythia is a popular ornamental shrub which, with its bright yellow flowers, is one of the first heralds of spring in March. The flowering branches of forsythia decorate many homes during Easter and are often hung with colored eggs. This attracts the interest of many small children to the beautiful forsythia branches, which seem to usher in warmer days with their sunny yellow color.ForsythiaBut it is ofte...

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ShrubsGarden PlantsWoods

How toxic is laburnum? This is to be observed in the garden

table of contentsToxicityCytisineSecondary substancesAmmodendrinEffect on peopleEffect on animalsthe Laburnum (bot. Laburnum) with their characteristic golden yellow flowers are among the most popular flowering trees in the temperate latitudes. It is precisely these flowers and their seeds that encourage children in particular to touch or even consume them. Many people wonder whether Laburnum is one of the domestic poisonous plants and whether just one touch is enough to poison yourself.Toxic...

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ShrubsGarden PlantsWoods

Is hibiscus hardy?

table of contentsIs hibiscus hardy?Hardy hibiscus varietiesLocationOther measuresHibernate potted plantsWinter protection in rearingSpecial case of perennial hibiscusBecause of its name alone, it exudes a touch of tropical exotic - the hibiscus. With an intense blaze of colors and lush flowers, it enriches numerous gardens with precisely this exotic note. But be careful, as with many other tropical plants, the question arises with the hibiscus whether it is sufficiently hardy for our latitude...

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ShrubsGarden PlantsWoods

Is the bluebell tree poisonous? Information for children and pets

table of contentsToxicityToxic = dangerous?Danger to children and petsPoison contactSkin contactEye contactSwallowAs the name suggests, the bluebell tree surprises with a multitude of impressive, bright blue flowers during its flowering period. This is exactly why the decorative tree can be found again and again in ornamental gardens, but also in public areas. One often hears that particularly impressive plants are mostly poisonous or at least unhealthy. But is that also true of Paulownia Tom...

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ShrubsEvergreen GrovesCherry LaurelGarden PlantsWoods

Cut the cherry laurel so that it becomes dense

table of contentsPrune back in springCut the cherry laurel correctlyThinning out older bushesUse correct toolsfrequently asked QuestionsLaurel niche is a very popular ornamental wood in this country. The evergreen shrub offers excellent privacy in the garden. In order for cherry laurel to be nice and dense, a few things have to be considered when cutting. Tips on cutting back can be found in this post.In a nutshellProper pruning can stimulate dense growthan annual pruning is sufficientJune is...

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ShrubsEvergreen GrovesGarden PlantsWoodsOleander

Has my oleander frozen or dried up?

table of contentsRecognize frozen & dried up oleandersWhy does oleander dry up?Oleander has frozen to deathSaving frozen oleandersProtect oleanders from frostfrequently asked QuestionsAfter the winter it happens very often that the oleander (Nerium oleander) shows drought damage. Read here how you can tell if the oleander bush has frozen and how you can save it.In a nutshellOleander often dries up after winterCauses: fungal infection, insufficient watering and frost damageVitality test pr...

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