
Types of hydrangeas: the most beautiful varieties for the garden

Here you will find an overview of the most beautiful hydrangea types and varieties: From 'Endless Summer' to 'Annabell' and Co., we present our favourites.The genus of hydrangeas (Hydrangea) includes a variety of different species. These have their natural origin without exception on the continents of America or Asia. All relevant species are deciduous shrubs, which means that they are leafy in summer and shed their leaves in winter. The star among the hydrangeas is the species originally fro...

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Mealybugs on Hydrangeas: Combat & Prevent

The small white lice are often found on hydrangeas in particular. We show how to fight mealybugs on hydrangeas and avoid an infestation.The white mealybugs are easy to spot on most plants [Photo: Protasov AN/ Shutterstock.com]Mealybug (pseudococcidae) are also often called mealybugs and particularly like to sit on our hydrangeas. However, many other houseplants, ornamental plants, and even vegetable crops are also repeatedly infested with these hairy white lice.We are happy when the colorful ...

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Poisonous hydrangeas: Dangerous for cats, dogs & Co.?

Again and again the question arises whether the flower can be dangerous for cats, dogs and Co. We clarify whether hydrangeas are poisonous.The beautiful flowers are also slightly poisonous for animals [Photo: Nils Jacobi/ Shutterstock.com]That the hydrangea(Hydrangea) is slightly toxic is actually not a rumour. However, the same applies here: the poison is in the dose. In any case, you do not have to banish the beautiful flowering shrub from your garden; preventive measures and a watchful eye...

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Boxwood dieback: symptoms and measures

The death of shoots on the box tree can spoil entire gardens. A fungus is responsible for this. What can be done against the unsightly death of instincts?If the box is affected by dieback, its leaves do not have a long life ahead of them [Photo: Zaizev/ Shutterstock.com]The boxwood (Buxus sempervirens) can be found not only in artistically designed baroque gardens, but also in our own gardens. At Easter, even the branches of the box tree are consecrated in the Catholic Church, and in China th...

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Watering hydrangeas: when, how often and how much?

Hydrangeas only thrive and form their beautiful flowers with the right amount of water. We show what you have to consider when watering hydrangeas.Hydrangeas have a high water requirement [Photo: Nadezhda Bukiya/ Shutterstock.com]In the hydrangea (Hydrangea) the name says it all. The deciduous shrub loves a good water supply. The botanical name Hydrangea Incidentally, it is derived from the Greek and means something like “water jug”.contentsPour hydrangeas correctly: how to proceed?When is th...

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Hydrangea fertilizer: everything you need to know at a glance

Hydrangeas have high nutritional requirements. Here you can find out whether and why hydrangea fertilizers are really necessary and what the differences are.Different hydrangea species are very similar in their nutrient and location requirements [Photo: soo007/ Shutterstock.com]The genus Hydrangea includes 70 to 80 species, several of which are very popular in our gardens. Although they delight almost every observer with their characteristic inflorescences, some species are real divas when it...

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Overwintering hydrangeas: tips for beds and pots

Here you will find everything you need to know about hydrangeas in winter: from the right frost protection to successfully overwintering in a pot.Hydrangeas usually need frost protection for a successful overwintering [Photo: Mariev Rodrig/ Shutterstock.com]hydrangeas (Hydrangea) and frost: Hydrangeas don't really have a problem with the cold, rather picturesque ice formations form on the frozen blossoms every year. But even if hydrangeas are hardy, they can easily suffer frost damage if they...

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Propagating Hydrangeas: Offshoots, Cuttings & Division

Here you will find everything you need to know about being successfuln Propagating hydrangeas. The propagation succeeds either via offshoots, cuttings or by division.For a lush garden, you can easily propagate your hydrangeas yourself [Photo: Jorge Salcedo/ Shutterstock.com]For any Hydrangea Species (Hydrangea), which can be found in our home gardens, sowing is not a suitable form of propagation. The flowers are very small and so are the seeds – if any can be harvested at all. In addition, th...

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Planting, caring for and pruning hydrangeas

Here you will find out everything you need to know about caring for and cutting hydrangeas in pots and in beds. We also show our expert tips for choosing a variety.The genus of hydrangeas (Hydrangea) comprises over 70 different species, most of which originally come from East Asian areas. All species are woody plants that can grow in different ways - for example as a shrub or they conquer lofty heights by climbing. Here you can find out everything about hydrangeas.The flowers of the hydrangea...

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Fertilize hydrangeas: tips on when and how to proceed

In order to be able to develop their full bloom, hydrangeas must be properly fertilized. You can find out when, how and with which fertilizer you should fertilize your hydrangeas here.Hydrangeas need the right fertilizer to bloom year after year [Photo: mimohe/ Shutterstock.com]hydrangeas (Hydrangea) are among the absolute classics in our gardens and have lost none of their special charm. In order to be able to benefit from their flowering dream, the hydrangeas must be supplied with nutrients...

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