
Rose Diseases: Treating Symptoms & Pest Infestations

Unfortunately, the rose is often afflicted by diseases and pests. We show how to recognize the symptoms of the disease and fight them with natural remedies.Roses can suffer from numerous diseases and pests [Photo: Bunina Darya/]roses (pink) have high demands on their location and maintenance. If something isn't right, even the sturdiest variety of roses can get sick. Black spots or a whitish coating on the leaves are often the first indication of a fungal disease. But some pe...

  • 19-Mar-2022
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Cutting hybrid tea roses: when and how to proceed

In order for the classic hybrid tea roses to develop their beautiful flowers, they need a good pruning. We show when and how to perfectly cut hybrid tea roses.The pruning is also ideally done in the spring for hybrid tea roses [Photo: Radovan1/]roses (pink) are divided into different groups depending on their nature and use. The group of tea roses includes varieties that form a noble flower at the end of the shoot. These can be raised both as a standard and as a bush. They ar...

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Pruning ground cover roses: timing & instructions

The low-growing small shrub roses require a special cut. We will show you when and how to properly prune ground cover roses.Ground cover roses do not require regular pruning [Photo: photowind/]Even roses (pink) can make an attractive form of ground cover in the garden. Ground cover roses are usually relatively robust and easy to care for. In contrast to perennials that cover the ground, however, roses do not form runners, which is why the same varieties are often offered for ...

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Groundcover Rose Varieties: Our Top 15

The low small shrub roses are perfect for creating larger areas. We present you the 15 most beautiful ground cover rose varieties.A breathtaking sea of ​​flowers can be conjured up with ground cover roses [Photo: Dimmo/]If you want to quickly green a larger, unused area, are suitable roses (pink) wonderful for this. Ground cover roses are undemanding permanent bloomers that will delight you with their blooms well into autumn. Depending on the variety, the small shrub roses - ...

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Shrub & Bush Rose Varieties: The 50 Most Beautiful

When you think of the classic rose, you usually have the image of a shrub or rosette in mind. Bush rose before your eyes. We introduce you to the 50 most beautiful varieties.With the large selection of shrub roses, there is a suitable specimen for every garden [Photo: Ottochka/]Who in his garden does not appear roses (pink) without, but want to reduce the amount of work to a minimum, it is best to buy a shrub rose. The strong-growing bush roses not only grow in height, but al...

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Wild rose species: The 20 most beautiful wild roses

True to their name, wild roses are extremely robust and beguile with their wonderful fragrance. We introduce you to the 20 most beautiful species of wild roses.In many wild rose species, the five-part flower can still be seen [Photo: Volodymyr Nikitenko/]The genus of roses (pink) can look back on a long history of breeding, from which many different varieties have emerged. The origin of this success story was the wonderfully fragrant but extremely prickly wild roses that grow...

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Pink roses: The most beautiful varieties in pink & rosé

Pink roses represent youth and beauty. We make the girl's dream come true and present the fifteen most beautiful types of roses from rosé to pink.Pink roses are the symbol of youth and beauty [Photo: llaszlo/]Delicate, fairytale floral dream or brightly colored eye-catcher - pink roses (pink) are a real all-rounder in the bed and belong next to the red rose varieties one of the absolute favorites in the garden. The pink roses are particularly popular because of their pronounc...

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White roses: the most beautiful varieties of roses

The white rose is probably one of the most symbolic flowers. We have selected the most beautiful types of roses from snow-white to cream-colored for you.White roses impress with their innocent elegance [Photo: bietsu/]Almost everyone sees it as noble and beautiful roses (pink) - the culmination of grace and elegance is probably the white rose varieties: With their delicate coloring of bright White to elegant cream tones, the flowers make every garden shine and are also extrem...

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Purple Roses: The 5 Most Beautiful Purple Rose Varieties

Purple roses express special admiration. We introduce you to the five most beautiful varieties of roses in unusual purple and lilac tones.Purple roses are still rare [Photo: Frank L Junior/]Do you want a real eye-catcher in the garden that draws everyone's attention with its exotic beauty? Then you should look for a purple one rose (pink) Keeping an eye out. Although there is now an almost unbelievable selection of different varieties of roses are, the purple-colored represen...

  • 19-Mar-2022
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Propagating roses: Propagation by seeds, cuttings & Co.

In the case of particularly beautiful roses, it is worth propagating them. We show you how easy it is to propagate roses with seeds, cuttings and more.Depending on the rose variety, some propagation methods are better than others [Photo: glebchik/]If you've always wondered whether rose bushes (pink) for the garden can also be propagated from cut roses, then you've come to the right place. But maybe you've heard of roses on potatoes (Solanum tuberosum) can refine and would now...

  • 19-Mar-2022
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