
Buying oleanders: tips on buying & sources of supply

In order to be able to enjoy it for a longer period of time, it is better to look twice at the oleander. We show what you should consider when buying oleanders.The magnificent oleander bushes bring a Mediterranean flair to your garden [Photo: Botond Horvath/ Shutterstock.com]Although only one kind of oleander (Nerium oleander) exists, but there are many varieties. While the flower colors vary between white, pink, red and light yellow, the growth forms are all the more different.Buying a beaut...

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Planting oleanders: location, planting & Co.

Even if the oleander is more used to a Mediterranean climate, it grows excellently here. Here you can find out everything you need to know about planting oleanders.Oleander provides a Mediterranean flair in the garden [Photo: Christian Mueller/ Shutterstock.com]Can be planted outdoors oleander (Nerium oleander) due to its lack of winter hardiness, unfortunately only in a few regions of Germany. Nevertheless, it is an excellent plant for gardens, terraces and balconies.If you have realized you...

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Fertilize oleanders: timing & procedure

A balanced nutrient ratio is required for a magnificent oleander blossom. You can find out when, how and with what to fertilize oleanders here.As a heavy feeder, the oleander needs the right amount of nutrients for rich floweringEven though Vincent van Gogh is best known for his love of painted sunflowers, the oleander (Nerium oleander), also called rose laurel, a place in the colorful world of the artist. No wonder, because the delicately feminine flowers still enchant hobby botanists and fr...

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Rhododendron care: watering, fertilizing and pruning

The rhododendron blossom makes the gardener's heart beat faster. But for lush flowering, it must be properly cared for and protected from diseases.Rhododendrons (rhododendron) are one of the largest genera within the heath family (Ericaceae). With more than 1000 species worldwide, the rhododendron is geographically represented almost everywhere. It is therefore not surprising that it can be attacked by a large number of pests and diseases. We provide tips on proper care and effective control ...

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Rhododendron Diseases: Fighting Diseased & Yellow Leaves

Rhododendrons are usually pretty to look at. However, you can find out here what to do about yellow leaves, black buds and signs of damage.A fungal attack on the flowers is particularly annoyingAs easy to care for as they are in every other respect - the genus of Rhododendrons (rhododendron) is susceptible to fungal diseases and animal pathogens are also up to mischief in the evergreen foliage of the rhododendron. Below we list the most important pests and diseases and give tips on how best t...

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Pruning rhododendrons: when and how?

Rhododendrons enchant us with their lush flowers. But when and how do you cut them correctly to achieve the best possible flowering? When and how do you prune rhododendrons correctly to achieve the best possible flowering?Rhododendrons (rhododendron) can be found everywhere – in gardens, parks and even in the great outdoors. The violet, pink and white flowers are particularly popular and attract everyone's attention in spring. The evergreen shrub of the heather family (Ericaceae) usually grow...

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Rhododendron: poisonous or not?

Are rhododendrons poisonous to humans? And what about the danger for pets like cats and dogs? We clarify.People and pets should stay away from the rhododendron [Photo: Eudyptula/ Shutterstock.com]Rhododendrons (rhododendron) are popular evergreen shrubs found in many gardens and parks. But just because the rhododendron can be found everywhere does not mean that it is harmless. Humans and pets should also stay away from certain ingredients that the plant uses as a natural protection against ea...

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Treating Yellow Leaves on Rhododendrons- Plantura

Yellow leaves on rhododendrons indicate an iron deficiency. Under the so-called Azaleas also often suffer from chlorosis due to incorrect pH levels.With chlorosis, the leaves lose their green color [Photo: Dawee/ Shutterstock.com]Rhododendrons, which belong to the moor bed plants, are particularly susceptible to chlorosis. In the case of chlorosis on rhododendrons, there is often an indirect iron deficiency. As a result, not enough of the green pigment chlorophyll can be produced. But without...

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Transplanting Rhododendrons: Location & Instructions

Your beloved rhododendron has grown too big? Time for a change of location. You can find out how to properly transplant your rhododendron here.When your rhododendron has grown too big, it's time to transplant [Photo: Natali9ka/ Shutterstock.com]Rhododendrons (rhododendron) are not only transplanted when they have become too big for the previous location or simply disturb the harmony of the newly created garden. Transplanting is usually the last hope for recovery and abundance of flowers for a...

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Hybrid tea varieties: the most beautiful at a glance

When you think of a red rose, you usually think of a hybrid tea rose. We present the variety of Hybrid Tea varieties that have more to offer than just red.Hybrid tea roses were created by crossing and are among the first modern rose varieties [Photo: Muellek Josef/ Shutterstock.com]roses (pink) are always a very special eye-catcher in the garden. And specimens of the hybrid tea group in particular usually have large and particularly beautifully shaped flowers in bright colors. They are the re...

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